Support For Technology Tech What are the important tips to follow before writing a Technical Blog?

What are the important tips to follow before writing a Technical Blog?

It is always believed that technology advances over a very short time and rapidly changes as well. It is believed to change at the speed of business. But, how is it possible for the tech experts to update their eager readers with the technology news so fast? On the other hand, it is never easy for those tech experts to get ideas for their readers. Therefore, they have a big question mark of how to start a technical blog and make it a good one.

Few Tips of starting a Technical Blog:

  • Researching the basics-

To make a successful technical blogger, the blog should include the following points:

  1. Finding a very niche and area of expertise
  2. Picking up a good platform, domain as well as hosting options.
  3. A catchy blog theme and logo.
  4. Interactive Social Media handles and 24X7 staying active.
  • Always work hard and giving examples is mandatory-

If you want to become a very successful blogger, you should not only restrict yourself to hard work or conducting only the research of the basics. The tech bloggers must get their hands dirty such for instance, providing examples of hands on tech playtime would make you trustworthy and would also help to gain confidence of the readers.

  • Blog Regularly and become a blogging authority-

To gain more viewership, you should do blogging very consistently. You also need to cover several articles based on various technology news and updates. And, one of key tips if you want to become an authority is that you need to learn how to speak with authority.

  • Identification of Authority Figures and featuring them-

To become an authority in this business, you need to attract traffic to your blog and one of the most effective ways of doing it is by featuring established authorities.

On the other hand, technical blogs often include information about blockchain technology. A blockchain technology may be defined as a structure that stores transactional records, which is also known as the “block” and the public database is known as “chain”. The blockchain technology updates have various important uses.  One of the simplest analogies of understanding blockchain is Google Doc.

Key Points of Blockchain Technology:

  • Instead of copied or transferred, the digital assets are distributed.
  • The assets are decentralized and therefore allowing full real time access.
  • A transparent ledger of changes not only preserves the integrity of the document but also develops trust in the asset.

Three Pillars of Blockchain Technology:

  • Decentralization:

One of the most important advantages is that in a decentralized network, the information is not only stored by a single entity. Everyone in the network owns the information.

  • Transparency-

One of the most interesting advantages of blockchain technology is that it always maintains a transparency.

  • Immutability-

Immutability regarding that of a blockchain means that whenever anything enters a blockchain network, it can never be tampered. Therefore, the chances are almost negligible of fiddling around with the company accounts.

Last but not the least; initially used in only bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, blockchain is now widely used in various industries and they are real estate, finance and health to name a few.