Cloud CMMS Vs. On-Premise CMMS

With CMMS software, two distinct options stand out; the function-driven, highly secure bought-and-owned on-site CMMS version and UX designed cloud, also known as the web-based CMMS software that’s accessed remotely. Although both of them offer excellent results, they have a few disparities.

To implement these technologies in your business operations, it’s advisable to compare Cloud CMMS vs. on premise CMMS characteristics to determine which one suits your venture.

On-Premise CMMS

On-premise software can become challenging to manage. The application runs on an IT infrastructure. Also, the infrastructure configures a network for users to access the CMMS and install available security patches or upgrades. It takes a long time before getting back online whenever the hardware supporting this on-site system fails.

Cloud-based CMMS

Advancement in technology has enabled Cloud-based CMMS to take maintenance operations by storm. When compared to on-premise, cloud-based CMMS has managed to close almost all the gaps between intelligence, features, and flexibility. It has nearly reached feature parity with common CMMS software.

Nonetheless, it has transcended the software in many ways with its API customizations and integrations.
Here are the reasons why cloud-based CMMS is popular.


On-premise CMMS has limited flexibility since it’s available only on-site. All its powerful features are restricted to a single machine or server and can be accessed only by employees and managers with particular user rights and clearances. However, some computers involved have mobile portals that integrate with on-premise CMMS version.

On the other hand, cloud-based CMMS lets workers work remotely. They can access necessary databases from anywhere, at any time, and using any device. Since they’re accessible remotely, Cloud CMMS solutions are perfect for multiple workstations and companies that operate remote maintenance facilities.


Cloud CMMS supports advanced mobile apps designed ideally for mobile devices. It supports slicker and native operations. When using mobile CMMS, maintenance workers can add notes, start work orders, and even complete various tasks from multiple locations without returning to a single spot continually unlike in an on-premise CMMS system.

Business Intelligence

Over the years, Business Intelligence has evolved significantly, and software built advanced to catch up. Cloud solutions are quite smart since they’re adaptable and flexible allowing for quick improvements and editing of intelligent systems that support cloud-based CMMS.

The system enables businesses to stay up-to-date on the industry-latest smarts. Furthermore, a majority of cloud-based CMMS solutions provide API integration with other useful software to complete jobs and projects more efficiently than ever before. Cloud-based CMMS is also developed with power, intelligence, and easy UX design in mind. This is an improvement from the functional yet non-attractive On-Premise CMMS software.

Comparing Cloud CMMS vs. on premise CMMS shows that the mobile version has continuously taken over maintenance operations for many users. Cloud CMMS combines the power and security of an on-premise CMMS with the clean UX design, modern, and easy-to-operate functionalities. It’s accessible from anywhere which enables multiple workers to simultaneously work on the same project hence increasing efficiency and work rate.

Choose wisely to make sure you get a cloud-based CMMS software that fits in with your company needs now and in future.