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Robots and Human Workers Are Meant to Coexist

What is the role of robots in the workplace? With people having misgivings about having machines take over some duties hitherto performed by humans, it will probably be some time before we can admit that robots are actually valuable at work.

There was some skepticism about computers back in the day when they arrived on the scene. They were these amazing smart devices that really had nothing to show for with regard to productivity. However, that took a turn for the positive when the productivity in the IT industry started rising steadily. Humans only need to get used to the computers in order to appreciate the change they brought.

The same thing is happening with the advent of the robots. How exactly do they help? That is the question many people are asking. This article endeavors to answer this question.

What is the role of robots in the workplace?

With the promise of an increase in productivity, many companies are investing in robots from manufacturers such as Universal Robots more than ever before. They are buying into the idea of having robots take over some tasks such as the monotonous routines that most human workers would rather avoid. Furthermore, robots tend to minimize errors and can also take up tasks that are risky for humans. Many companies have reported experiencing a surge in productivity as well as the profit margin.

However, there are those that view robots in a negative light. They claim that they will take over jobs from humans and the rate of unemployment is bound to shoot up. There is therefore that standoff. Are robots good or bad for the human labor force? Are they a plus or a minus with regard to global productivity?

Humans Will Adapt

The expectation is that we will adjust. This is because with any innovation that has happened in the past, the cycle is almost always the same. There are misgivings and pessimism but eventually, people embrace the changes and adjust to accommodate them. It happened during the industrial revolution as well as the computer age.

The human workforce has less need for manual labor with the coming of the machines and the robots are taking up most of the remaining manual work. Many workers are especially grateful to be freed from repetitive tasks that test the patience of any human.

You will easily find industries where human workers and robots ones coexist. Employees are trained to program and supervise the robots. Furthermore, in many industries, it is not easy to find human workers who are willing to perform the tasks taken over by robots.

Humans are always wary when it comes to change. The fear of the unknown makes people extra cautious and mistrustful. However, if history has taught us anything, it is that change is inevitable and unstoppable. Therefore, humans must find ways to integrate robots in everyday life instead of being suspicious of them.

The Impact Robots on Productivity

With robots taking over manual jobs, productivity has indeed gone up. This boils down to quality and precision as robots are hardly expected to make human errors. Also, robots are able to work without breaks. Companies using robots are not expected to relocate.

What does the future hold for humans and robots?

Robots are able to perform risky, tedious and repetitive tasks over and over. They do not require the breaks that humans must take. They do not need to replenish.  The results delivered by robots are constant. Humans cannot achieve that level of precision and error-free production. Human workers get tired, need to eat and sleep and take a break every so often. They will therefore be slower than robots.

Nevertheless, that does not mean that the robots are running humans out of the workplace. What is expected is that humans and robots will work side by side and happily so. There are still tasks that need the human touch especially those that involve a certain level of complexity.

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