Shop Solutions To Sell Your Own Creative Work Online

At the beginning of the year, you are usually very motivated to try something completely new. A great opportunity for creative people is, for example, to give their work not only in the circle of acquaintances but also to offer online for sale. Maybe you always wanted to print your graphics on T-shirts or write and design your book? With the following shop systems, shirt design [desain baju kaoswhich is the term in Indonesia] competitions, and online book printers, you can implement your creative ideas, and even sell them on your website.

There are various concepts and providers on the net to sell and have creative work done online.

Shop Systems For Creatives

Either you make your products even in small quantities and then sell them through a pure shop system. You can either integrate this shop on your website, or you can set up your shop on one side of the provider. However, with this solution, you also have to take over the shipping of your products yourself.

  • The products have to be created by oneself (eg, handicrafts, works of art, clothes)
  • You are responsible for shipping and any complaints

Own Online Shop, Printing, And Shipping Regulated By A Provider

If you have no opportunity to create your products or the financial cost of production costs is too large, there is also the option to run the production (eg, the T-shirt printing) and shipping through a shop provider. So you create the graphics and decide on which products your works should be printed. Your product will then be printed in order.

T-Shirt Design Competitions

If you do not want to create your shop, but now and then enjoy creating free, creative graphics or drawings, you can also participate in one of the popular T-shirt design competitions. Here you can set your t-shirt design for free. The users of the platform will then rate your design, and the top-rated designs will be printed. When your design is selected, you will receive a corresponding cash prize. This option is certainly more fun to see, but also a great way to get creative and get inspiration from other participants’ designs.

  • For fun of creative graphics and free designs
  • Especially suitable if you do not want to create your shop