Social Media Tools to Grow Your Brand

With the internet expanding rapidly, and becoming a legitimate workplace, more people are looking to build an online presence than ever before. Without training or education, however, it can be difficult to know where to begin when trying to create or strengthen a brand. Social media tools are a great way to begin monitoring a businesses online performance, scheduling posts, viewing audience interactions and so much more! This article will delve into the basic functions of social media tools and how they can help brands grow in a digital space.

First, What Makes A Good Tool?

One Google search will reveal that there are thousands of tools, all promising to exponentially grow brands. Obviously, not all these tools are worth the time or money. There are a few basic questions that should be asked before choosing a tool. Does the tool save time? Social media management can quickly become a fulltime job and for many, it already is. Most business owners are trying to avoid this though, so they should seek tools that save time. Tools that increase awareness effectively should also be chosen. Many companies promise this but research into their methods will often reveal the truth. Social media tools should be easy to use and non-intensive. Users shouldn’t require a computer science degree to compile analytics. Organization should be considered, too. Managing multiple social media accounts can get messy quickly. Thus, tools that make social media management more streamlined or compiled are usually a good choice. Finally, cost. Even if a tool is the best in the world, but skims heavily off a business’s profit margin, is it still the best?

The Best Types of Tools

When researching social media tools, oftentimes the first result is some form of inbox management. These can be great tools. For businesses with a significant online presence, communications can get quickly buried. These tools not only manage incoming mail, but they can also help manage newsletters, weekly mail, updates and more.

Other tools will focus on increasing traffic. Algorithms for social media sites and incredibly complicated and oftentimes, the engineers that created them don’t understand how they fully work. Thus, it can be difficult to create organic brand growth online. Tools that can increase traffic and followers can be a great way to expedite audience growth, however, be cautious. Some traffic growth tools are only using bots, making them not worth the cost. Whereas, others use a targeted approach that works with the algorithm, as well as real accounts.

Calendar apps with post scheduling features are one of the best social media tools to save time. These allow the user to schedule posts across all social media accounts in one place. This allows the posts to coincide with events or product launches. Additionally, it allows business owners to take care of a whole month of social media management in only a few hours. By eliminating the need to constant posting, social media schedulers also help a business stay more organized in an online space.

All-In-One Tool

There are all-in-one social media tools, such as NetBase, that combine several tools into one service. NetBase has social media functions for tiny and massive businesses alike, as well as everything in between. They have award-winning social media analytics tracking that provides real-time insights into customers interactions with the brand. The company has a deep understanding of how different social media algorithms work, which has been integrated in their approach to helping brands grow. Finally, NetBase has a plethora of features that allow for brand health tracking as well as crisis response management, which helps users ensure that their brand stays reputable online.