Support For Technology Tech The Importance Of Checking Your Phone’s IMEI Number

The Importance Of Checking Your Phone’s IMEI Number

The International Mobile Equipment Identity, commonly known as the IMEI number, is a unique 15 or 17 digit code used to identify an individual mobile phone. It is the digital footprint of your mobile phone device. Each receiver has its distinctive IMEI number such as each its own. The IMEI number is equated to the serial number of an item and the VIN of a car. 

The modern world has significant innovations on one side of the coin, but the other lies the darker side. With the good, the bad tagged along. And one such unfortunate event is being on the receiving end of a raw deal of your phone device, which might land you into trouble if you are not keen. Checking the IMEI number is the first step towards phone safety, and here is why.


  • Proves the authenticity of the device


This 15 or 17 digit number can help you in several ways, and one of them is to verify the originality of the phone you just purchased. Some sellers may be into malicious activities of selling counterfeits. Most times, these devices look similar to the originals, and they sell haphazardly intending to score extra cash from an unsuspecting victim. Luckily though, you do not have to fall victim to such schemes anymore. As it is as easy as inputting the IMEI number on a site as, press enter, and voila, you have a detailed verification of your mobile device. 


  • You learn more about your phone


Another benefit of checking your phone’s IMEI number before the purchase is that you also get to learn more about your device. You get erudition on your device’s current warranty status; the duration and if it is active. Additionally, you get to see the ownership status, the date of purchase, the system version of the phone, the carrier data, and the phone’s listed specifications. What this achieves to do is give you peace of mind that the device you are holding is rightfully represented both by word of mouth by the seller and the system.



  • It ensures security for your data


Mobile phones that do not meet the clearance via its IMEI number are prone to hacks. Most of the information that goes into our phones, including photos, videos, and texts, get embedded on the phone’s cloud account. The data sticks around even after you have deleted them physically from your device. So much so, this mobile phone may still be used with other operators from anyway. And as such, your information is not safe. Although through a simple IMEI number search, you can see the network and country the device is working on.


  • It clears out the cloud of doubt


The check will also give you the confidence that your device is authenticated and is cleared from any sinister operations. The precise records indicate that the phone you are yet to purchase is not stolen. And if you ever lose it, the mobile operator can also determine its location by IMEI or SIM card inserted and return the phone to you or remotely lock it.