3 tips to choose the web agency that’s right for you!


Choosing a web or digital agency from dozens of available bids really requires certain considerations. You can’t carelessly choose otherwise you won’t reach what you really want.

1) Analyze their website

The first advice I can give you is to pay attention to the website of the web agency, analyze it, browse their website and try to understand what it looks like.

– read their page about “who we are”
– look and judge the work done by the web agency
– try to find out if measurable results that have been obtained for their clients are mentioned
– look for the web agency on Google and read some related reviews

– check the history of the domain of their website (you can find out how long the agency has existed)
– assistance and people involved in the project, make sure they are right for you
– it’s not a fundamental point, but having the agency nearby is a plus
– fair and divided prices for each service you are proposing
– a clear and modular website estimate based on the chosen services
– any annual or monthly fees (make sure they are well mentioned in the quote)

2) What does the web agency offer you? Targeted solutions or simple packages?

The first approach is more important than it may seem, pay close attention to the questions that your interlocutor asks you, be sure to talk to someone competent in web design and not with the secretary / girl of the web master! If you are on the phone with the manager or the person in charge of listening to the requests, feel what you have to ask yourself, the first questions you will be asked are very important:

– Beware immediately of those who want to immediately sell packages all inclusive (only words and 0 results)
– Beware of those who ask you what color you would like the website (they are secondary aspects to study according to the target you want to address your project)
– Beware of those who want to sell you a website without asking your objectives

Once the objectives of a web project have been defined, it will be decided to define the necessary tools to face the development of the entire web project in the best possible way, cooperating with external and internal figures of the staff of the web agency.

3) Take a careful look at the portfolio of the web agency

From the page where the latest works created and developed by the web agency are collected, you can get an idea of ​​the professionalism, graphic style adopted, language skills owned and SEO copywriting services provided.