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Brief review about Sterilize My Phone

  • There are up to 25,000 germs on your smartphone, compared to an estimated 552 on your average toilet seat.
  • Even with the most stringent sanitization practices for our hands and bodies, our smart devices can remain a thriving environment for bacteria and viruses.
  • UV-C Light is a disinfection method where short-wavelength ultraviolet lights kills microorganisms by disrupting the nucleic acids and creating a disruption in their DNA.
  • Smartphones are the most commonly touched personal device averaging 40 or more touches daily and need a convenient and effective method of disinfecting.
  • The product I am about to show you has not been tested against the Covid 19 virus, however sanitizing your phone and keeping it free from bacteria and viruses is an effective way to prevent exposure to many harmful bacteria that we encounter in our daily lives.

If you asked me a month ago how much I washed my hands, or touched my face, or grabbed my car keys, or kissed my wife, or looked at my phone I would have given it a moment of thought and said, you know after a meal, or using the restroom and gone on with my day.

Of course, a lot has changed in that month, and I’m sure you know what I’m referring to. Covid 19, or the CoronaVirus, has Italy on lockdown, the United States in a state of self isolation and fear, and we seem to just be scratching the surface of the effects this virus will have for our society in the long run. Which brings me back to my initial point, we think about disinfectants, and hand sanitizers and washing our hands now. We think about it a lot, definitely a lot more than we used to.

Now how about this one, how often do you wash your phone?

If you’re like me, you’re now realizing that answer is probably, never. Well as it turns out our phones are filthy and can have more than 25,000 different bacteria and harmful pathogens living in a single square inch. That’s dirty, 18 times dirtier than a typical public restroom. And when you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. Everything we encounter gets transferred by touch and what’s something we touch all the time? Bingo, our phones.

So, now that you’re thoroughly grossed out you probably wonder how you can get your phone clean. Well, dumping it into a bucket of precious hand sanitizer will clean it, but it will also, you know…. ruin it. Luckily, our modern times have modern solutions and SterilizeMyPhone.comoffers the #1 rated UV-C smartphone sanitizer.

How does it work?

The design is effective and simple, think of it like a sun tanning booth for your phone. The small rectangle is convenient for keeping on your desk, nightside table, kitchen counter, or just near your phone charger. Simply power up the device and place your phone inside. By harnessing UV-C energy, the device safely disinfects your smartphone of 99.9% of bacteria and germs. UV-C Light is utilized for sanitization in food and air filtration systems already, but generally on a more industrial scale. It’s also been used in hospitals since the mid 1950’s as a primary method of sterilization.

This process kills bacteria by breaking down the DNA which halts its ability to function or reproduce. By making this technology available to consumers, allows users to safely, simply, and effectively clean their phones in about ten minutes.

Field Testing

After unboxing and powering up I set my phone inside and sat back, appreciative of a few moments away from my screen. I got up and washed my hands for a solid 20 seconds of course.

The device is a really easy way to achieve some peace of mind in this increasingly chaotic time. I knew that my phone was clean now, cleaner than it had ever been before, clean like I could eat off of it, or comfortably put it near my face. I realized that I hadn’t been terribly worried about my phone until this whole Covid 19 business, and now I felt very reassured that I wasn’t carrying a filthy, pathogen laden piece of equipment that I rely on not just daily, but by the minute, in my back pocket.

By keeping my phone and hands clean I had broken the cycle of washing my hands only to contaminate them with my phone and started to feel a sense of relief, a tangible action had been taken and even though this is an unprecedented time I felt pro-active.

Killing all of the bacteria and germs on my phone gave me real peace of mind, and now my wife and I disinfect our phones every time we get home.

The Nuts and Bolts

Even while people practice social distancing, contact with bacteria is unavoidable and our phones are definitely not going anywhere anytime soon, so the best way to be pro-active about keeping your phone clean is to use the sterilizer from You can be assured that as long as you’re practicing proper hygiene with your hands that when you touch your phone it is germ free and won’t contaminate your face, mouth, or hands.

Sterilize My Phone is perfect for sharing with family or roommates and by killing 99.9% of bacteria and germs, it is one of the best tools in the fight against any virus or illness that could weaken one’s immune system.

An added benefit, it doesn’t only disinfect phones. Anything you can fit inside will be completely sterilized, wallets, keys, headphones, watches etc. With proven results and growing public concern regarding pathogens there’s no reason to wait to give yourself and your family peace of mind knowing that your most commonly touched surfaces are free from harmful bacteria and germs.

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