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10 Ways to Start Living More Sustainably

By Vedang Khetawat, Founder and CEO,

With recent concerns about wild weather patterns and global warming, more people are becoming acutely aware of the negative impact our current way of life is having on the planet. While companies and governments must step up and make overarching changes, there are still several small things that individuals can do to make a difference.

Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to make a few small changes to live more sustainably. If everyone committed to making just one sustainable change, the world would feel the impact. Here are 10 things to try.

  1. Go meatless once a week

Transitioning from eating meat seven days a week to only eating it six days a week will cut down on all of the land, water, and chemicals required to produce meat products. There are plenty of delicious vegetarian options available that are better for the environment.

  1. Recycle cans and bottles

Everyone has heard about recycling’s benefits, yet not everyone commits to recycling 100 percent of the time. In some cases, it’s just not convenient to recycle. Other times, people are busy or don’t consider the impact that recycling can have on the environment. If recycling is a challenge, focus on using more sustainable materials instead of buying goods packaged in plastic or aluminum.

  1. Recycle electronics

When electronics reach the end of their useful life cycle, they often end up in landfills. They emit e-waste, which seeps into the ecosystem and negatively impacts the land, people, animals, and plants around it. Take electronics to a recycler instead who can make sure that the usable parts are put to good use and don’t end up in landfills.

  1. Buy refurbished electronics

Instead of buying new electronic devices, look for refurbished ones. These are put together using recycled materials and are designed to operate as good as new products. They also often come at a lower price point.

  1. Unplug small electronics when not in use

Unplugging the toaster, mixer, coffee maker, and other small appliances when they are not in use will cut down on the amount of electricity emitted inside a home.

  1. Buy from local businesses

Products that come from overseas use many unsustainable resources like fuel emissions and waste to end up in consumers’ hands eventually. By purchasing from local businesses, people can cut down on the amount of energy used to transport goods.

  1. Avoid fast fashion

The fashion industry is one of the least sustainable, primarily due to the prevalence of “fast fashion.” This trend prioritizes making lots of clothes for cheap so that consumers can buy a new wardrobe every few weeks. Instead of buying cheap clothes that will be thrown away within a few months, look for classic, well-made garments that will last for years.

  1. Bring a bag to grocery stores

Instead of relying on the disposable plastic sacks most grocery stores use, bring a reusable bag. This cuts down on waste.

  1. Cook at home

Many people love getting takeaway for convenience. Opting to eat at home one additional meal per week will cut down on the waste that comes from disposable takeout containers. If it’s impossible to avoid takeaway, look for restaurants that use sustainable packaging.

  1. Plan meals ahead

Recent estimates show that 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year worldwide. Be part of the solution by planning meals ahead of time before going to the grocery store instead of buying more than is needed. This will reduce the amount of food waste per household.

Change is often difficult, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. Try tackling just one idea at a time on the journey to living more sustainably. If everyone in the world made that commitment, it would add up to a dramatic difference.

About the Author and his Company

Vedang Khetawat, Founder and CEO, studied business and filmmaking before getting my hands dirty in the telecom backhaul integration domain.

Vedang founded because he believe there is a better way to service air conditioners—a quicker, less invasive process that gives customers value for their hard-earned money. He is obsessively passionate about customer transparency, and my mission is to help people purchase reliable AC services faster.

Air conditioning service is one of the least understood and least transparent domains, which see as an opportunity. is excited to simplify the process of getting AC services for everyone through our exceptional service capability.

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