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How to choose auto feeder for pets

According to the recent pet boom, IoT home appliances that can be remotely controlled from pet supplies and smartphones equipped with high-tech functions. Among them, “automatic feeder” is popular for people who keep dogs and cats.

Therefore, this time, we introduce automatic feeder for pet recommended to those keeping cats and dogs. I will explain the points of how to choose, so please check out those interested.

How to choose auto feeding unit for pet

Check type

“Food stocker type” that can feed a lot of food at once


Automatic feeder of hood stocker type is designed in advance to feed in a cylindrical machine, when the set time comes, the mouth at the bottom opens, and the bait comes out to the part of the tray.

The advantage of a food stocker type automatic feeder is that it can be fed for a long time. If you choose a larger food stocker type, you can put a lot of food at once.

However, be aware that many models are only available for dry food, and painless wet type hoods can not be put in. Those who normally give wet food need to check in advance whether pets will eat even in dry food.

Also, when using an automatic feeder with a hood stocker type, the number of grams fed can only be roughly measured. Therefore, if you purchase for the purpose of pet health management, a tray type is recommended.

“Tray type” that can accommodate wet food

The tray type automatic feeder is a machine shaped like a plate or a box. Like the food stocker type, feeding in advance by feeding it by opening and sliding at a fixed time by feeding in advance. Compared with the food stocker type, the size of the machine itself is also small and its price is reasonable.

The merit of the tray type is that most products can feed not only dry food but also wet food. Also, when the owner feeds a tray type automatic feeder, it is attractive that it can be put in small gram units. Because you can accurately measure the amount to eat once, it is also perfect for those who are aiming at pet health management.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of a tray type automatic feeder is that the number of times of feeding is small. It can only feed a relatively small number of 1 to 2 meals, at most 8 meals. Therefore, it is recommended to use it when the absence period is 1 day or 2 days. Also, it is a difficulty to take some trouble when cleaning.

Besides, caution is necessary when you keep a cat and purchase a tray type automatic feeder. In the case of a smart cat, you can shift the lid of the tray by yourself and eat the food that you have set, so you can make it tightly and can not be opened easily, preferably the food stocker type is good I guess.

Check capacity


Do not forget to check the automatic feeder for pets as well. For those who often stay away from home for a long time, it is safe to choose a larger capacity with food stocker type. However, there is a risk that moisture will suck up and deteriorate in the summer, so it is a good idea to set a desiccant for pets etc. in the automatic feeder as well.

A tray type with a small capacity is convenient if you are away from home within a few hours to two days. In the case of multiple head owners, it is recommended to prepare a compact tray type for a few pets instead of one large food stocker type.

Let’s choose the capacity of automatic feeders for pets according to your pet’s shape and health management as well as the time and number of days to stay.

Check power supply method

There is no worry about running out of batteries “outlet type”

If it is an outlet type automatic feeder, you can go out for a long time without worrying about battery exhaustion. In addition, recently many models equipped with various functions, we use electricity accordingly, Recommended for those who want to use other functions.

However, if you keep a dog or a cat, there is a danger that you will get caught in the outlet. If your pet is chewy, you need to devise such as hiding the cord of the automatic feeder and using a protector to protect it.

“Dry cell type” that can be placed away from the outlet

The biggest merit of dry cell type automatic feeders is that they can be used anytime, anywhere. It is attractive to have a high degree of freedom because it can be used anywhere if securing even a place to put it. Also, it is a great merit that it can be used even in the event of a power outage, such as in a disaster. Feeding is possible even if you can not return home at the time of power failure.

As a disadvantage, it is necessary to periodically change the batteries of the automatic feeders. There is neither an original nor a child when the battery runs out at the critical time, so it is necessary to manage firmly, such as frequently checking the remaining capacity of the battery.

Check useful functions

“Timer function” which can feed at a fixed time

If you choose with timer function, you can feed at a fixed time every day by setting an arbitrary time. It is perfect for health management, and there is not worry that it will be caused by bait prompting early in the morning.

Even if you go back late, you can relieve because the automatic feeding unit for pets firmly supports you. There is no need to give too much bait.

“Feed control function” which can change the amount and number of baits

WOPET LY-92 1Meal

Feed adjustment function is convenient when you want to change the amount of bait coming out at one time, such as when your health is bad or weight control of an obese pet. Among the automatic feeder for pets, it is mainly attached to the food stocker type.

Even more sophisticated ones can change the amount of food depending on the time of day. In the morning you can eat food a lot but you can respond flexibly even with a pet you feel like leaving the night at night.

In general, dogs can be eaten at one time, and cats have the habit of eating by dividing them many times. If you have feed control function you can adjust the number of times depending on the type of pet you keep. It is very convenient to be able to adjust in grams so that baits in the previous time do not remain.

Remote operation with smartphone “smartphone function”

A smartphone function is recommended for those who want to operate an automatic feeder even on the go. By downloading a dedicated application to the smartphone, you can easily interlock with the smartphone simply by connecting the automatic feeder to the home Wi-Fi. A tablet can also be used if you can install the application.

Easily check with the smartphone the amount of food every day and the time you fed it. If you record your weight, health management can be done smoothly.

“Camera function” that can observe the condition of pet

Worried about pets is not just bait. If you are not lonely or not doing mischief, even if you want to check the status of pets on the go, auto feeder with camera function is recommended. You can shoot and record the state of your pet while you are away. If you have an automatic feeder with a smart interlocking function, you can check in real time from a smartphone or tablet.

You can not show the owner’s face, but if timing matches, you can also take a closer look at the pet you are eating.

Pet relieved with the voice of the owner “Mic & Speaker function”

According to the timing of feeding, the microphone & speaker function which can put the voice of the owner is very convenient. Pet with high vigilance may scare the automatic feeding device, but if you hear familiar owners’ voices, the pet’s sense of security will also increase.

There are types such as WOPET that let you record previously recorded voices at a fixed time, types that can be spoken in real time through a smartphone, or both. It works in conjunction with the camera function to make it more realistic, so it is recommended because you can feel the pet more closely even if you are away.

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