Ard-Optics Company

Ard-Optics was founded in Armenia in 2007 and nowadays occupies leading positions in the sector of the industrial and scientific IR spectral crystal optics. Our products are in great demand in the European optical market due to the transition to multichannel IR observation systems

Our Branded Products

The company offers on its website the catalog of standard products and practically can manufacture any custom-made optics for medical designation, aviation engineering, and numerous special types of equipment.

Here should be mentioned large-sized optics, portholes, (sapphire windows), precisely shaped optical hemispheric and hyper-hemispheric sapphire domes. Also, our customers can consider numerous sapphire blanks selections.

Our Brand Catalog of Sapphire Optics

  • Precision optical windows for lasers
  • Sapphire components of irregular shape
  • Blanks of different shape
  • Protective windows of various shape
  • Windows for luxury watches
  • Sapphire windows for mobile phones
  • Laser components of YAG
  • Optical domes, hoods, fairings
  • Reflectors and flow tubes
  • Spherical lens
  • High-pressure sensors

 Product classification by materials

 The company’s products are classified relative to materials they are made of, namely:  optical crystals, molted quartz glass, and traditional colorless glass.

 Crystal Optics Product

They are optical windows, different lenses, prisms, all kinds of wedges, blanks, cones.

Materials: optical sapphire (leuco sapphire), crystalline quartz, (UV grade) KU-1, (IR grade) KI Samarium doped glass, Cerium doped glass Pyrex.

Mono-crystalline optical sapphire has unique optical, mechanical, physical, and chemical features. It is the hardest among all oxides, effectively retains its thermophysical properties at high temperatures, and demonstrates excellent transparency.

It chemically withstands numerous acids and alkalis being exposed to high temperatures up to 10000 C. The properties determine the leuco sapphire widespread use in aggressive environments when optical transparency is required in the VU and near-IR band.

 Quartz Glass Optics

Sphere of use: optical windows; flat, convex, concave mirrors; all kinds of prisms, lenses, cones, wedges, blanks; optical non-fiber light guides; smartphone and watch windows; beam splitters.

Materials: KU-1 (Visual frequencies), and KI (IR waves) brands.

 Glass Optics

Sphere of use: plane-parallel plates; complete & truncated prisms; lenses, cones, wedges; flat, concave, convex-type mirrors; non-fiber light guides and blanks.

Standard materials list: K8 Glass, Pyrex.

 Laser Active Products

Standard materials: fused silica cerium doped glass; sapphire and quartz crystals with anti-reflection coating, and Silver copper nickel coating, for the laser cavity .

 Oversized Laser Optics

Sphere of use: concave, flat mirrors; all types of optical lenses and windows. They are designed for wavelengths 1054 nm, 1064 nm.

Currently, ARD-OPTICS manufactures products from leuco sapphire, silica, and glass, namely:

• Sapphire

• Fused silica UV grade (KU-1)

• Fused silica IR grade (KI)

• K8 Glass


• Passive Glasses Laser Cavity Materials

• Fused Silica Cerium Doped

• Doped quartz glass

• Samarium doped glass S7010, S7005, and S7000

 The Quality Control and Certification

The company is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard, Certificate of Conformity, No. 31102101 QM15 Permit No. … Each production stage is under technical control. The Zygo Mark-4 interferometer is used to control the shape of products with the accuracy Lambda / 20 (delta N = 0.1).

The transmittance of optics is measured with spectral devices: spectrophotometers SF-56 (190–1100 nm range) and FT-IR Bruker Tensor 27 (the range is 2.5 – 25.0 m). In this regard, we offer the service of recording the transmission of the polished samples on our spectral devices: spectrophotometer SF-56 and FT-IR

 Profiled Products

 Profiled products, in particular, sapphire rods and flow tubes have got the general set of advantages: optical transparency, high melting point, high strength, and hardness. Also, they have a precisely specified shape and dimensions at the output, which allows minimizing the finishing cost.

 Standard Product General Characteristics

                                           PARAMETER VALUE

 Polished surface cleanliness class                             S/D-10-5—S/D-60/40

Side parallelism                                                               1 ‘

Dimensional tolerance                                               ± 0.05 mm

Sharp edges                                                                chamfered

We supply optical products of the following shapes and sizes:

– windows:                                                   width350 mm, thickness350 mm length350 mm

– lenses:                                                                    diameter 400 mm x thickness350 mm

– round rods:                                                diameter100 mm, length250 mm

– rectangular / square blanks:                      width350 mm, thickness350 mm, length350 mm

– tapes:                                                         width350 mm, thickness350mm, length350 mm

– tubes (including sealed ones):          dia.200 mm, wall thickness0.5 -50 mm, length250 mm

Optics of non-standard configuration by the dimensions of the Customer:

• wedges

• cones & truncated cones

• pyramids & truncated pyramids

• prisms

Faces, ribs, ends of rods, pipes (rings), and cylindrical generatrix are polished at the request of the Customer, according to the standard specification for polishing sapphire planes.

The specification of polished fairings ( domes)

                                                      Parameter Name & Value

1 Fairing (cap) diameter Ø, mm                                            Ø<100 100 ≤ Ø ≤ 300

2 Tolerance diameter, mm                                                             ± 0.1 ± 0.2

3 Radius of the fairing (cap) curvature R, mm                             3 ≤ R ≤ 150

4 Tolerance on the curvature radius, mm                                       ± 0.1 ± 0.5

5 Fairing height (cap)                                                                         h ≤ 1.3R

6 Height tolerance, mm                                                                  ± 0.1 ± 0.2

7 Wall thickness, mm                                                                         ≥ 2 ≤ 15

8 Polishing cleanliness class, P                                                          III — V or S/D-20/10-S/D-80/50

Delivery Conditions

The product delivery from the warehouse is 2-5 week.


In case you are interested in optical products and services of the company, send our sales manager your request for additional information or a request for finished products with a specification and the required quantity in the most convenient way for you:

By phone:+37410208450, +37499406831

By fax:   +37410208450

By email: