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Best Camera Smartphones in Dubai You Can Purchase Right Now

The people residing in Dubai are known for their fascination for the latest smartphones with advanced features. Many of them look out for the latest phones of Apple, Samsung, and LG and other popular brands that have the best cameras. Interestingly, the camera application is getting better with the release of new smartphones in the recent times. Those who cannot afford to buy expensive digital cameras consider the camera smartphone as the alternative option to explore their photography skills. If you are looking for the best camera phones in Dubai, then you should go through the following list of smartphones that are known for their excellent camera features.

Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus

Those who are searching for the handy camera in the smartphone, then both Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus are right options for them. Both these Samsung smartphones feature a 12 MP primary camera and also an 8MP front camera. Because the primary camera has a variable aperture, the smartphone users may switch between them and capture beautiful snaps depending on the lighting condition. The camera fitted to these smartphones can capture beautiful photographs with fine details even if they are captured in poor lighting condition. Moreover, the snaps that are captured by these cameras display excellent color accuracy without any shutter lag. Special add-ons like optical image stabilization, live focus mode, 9MP image as we 4k video recording produce excellent results.

Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus

Before the release of Samsung Galaxy S9, both Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus smartphones have gained prominence for their fabulous camera features. According to the experts, the camera of these smartphones is quite similar to that of the latest Samsung Galaxy S9 phone. Unlike the smartphones with the dual cameras, both Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus come up with a single sensor and yet give better clarity in the images.

Samsung Galaxy J7

This cutting-edge smartphone features 13-megapixel rear camera and also one 5 megapixels front shooter for the selfies. The performance of this selfie camera on low light is excellent and the noise also is negligible.  Samsung Galaxy J7 is known to capture videos up to 1080 pixels and even 30 fps on multiple platforms. The video output in full HD is excellent, along with low noise and high level of details and the color rendering is also of high quality.

LG V30 +

LG V 30 Plus is undoubtedly one of the best smartphones that have excellent camera sensors and other relevant features. This smartphone has a 13 MP primary camera and also a 16 MP camera. In the front, it has an exclusive 5 MP camera lenses.  In fact, these lenses capture the best shots even when they are shot in dim light. Even in poor lighting condition, this camera can capture sharp and colorful pictures. If you are keen to practice fantastic photography, then LG V 30 plus smartphone is your perfect choice.

Apple iPhone X

IPhone X has made its mark for its cutting-edge features such as Face Identification, Animoji and so on. Besides, this iPhone has dual camera that deliver excellent image quality as available in any DSLR camera. It has dual 12 MP cameras and also one 12 MP camera with a different aperture. One of the lenses has one f/1.8 aperture while the other telephone lens has an exclusive f/2.4 aperture. Other additional features include 2X optical zoom, optical image stabilization, and autofocus with phase detection option and also touch focus. It captures 4K videos and also 8MP still images. In the front, it has one 7 MP selfie camera with f/2.2 aperture. The camera sensor has unique face detection feature that helps to capture high-quality selfies.

Are you are looking for the best camera smartphone in UAE? If so, then LetsTango is your one-stop destination. Check out its extensive list of iPhones and other smartphones of Samsung, LG and many more. Get the best deal on iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy J7 in UAE and so on and capture some awesome pictures.  Hone your photographic skills like never before with the help of a good camera smartphone.

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