Choose the Best Use of Printers Through the Powershell

Powershell appeared on Windows 7 and very prominent on Windows 10.In this article, we will explain what Powershell is and how to open it on Windows 10.Finally, this article gives some basic commands to have an overview in Windows 10.Powershell is therefore the worthy successor to the very aging Windows command prompt.The latter is available on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. You can visit printers through powershell for the best deals.

The word shell stands for software interface, so it is a software layer between the user and Windows that is much deeper than the command prompt.

  • In particular Powershell allows the execution of very thorough object-oriented script, therefore nothing to do with cmd.exe.
  • Some functions also take over the Unix shell, such as the possibility of passing the result from one command to another with the pipe.
  • Microsoft’s goal is to make a scripting language as developed as those under Unix in order to compete with the latter in the world of servers.

Powershell aims to bridge all the limitations of the Command Prompt:

  • CDM commands work on it.
  • Cmdlets provide the ability to manage all system tasks.
  • It is also a scripting language to automate system tasks
  • From a presentation point of view, however, there is no war of differences between the two.
  • Below is a screenshot of Windows 10 with the Powershell window on the left and the Command Prompt on the right.

What is Powershell on Windows 10?

Similarly at the process level, only the name changes, the two interfaces rely on the conhost.exe process.

What is Powershell on Windows 10?

As of today on Windows 10 1803, Powershell is not available from Windows recovery options where the command prompt is still present.

Right Click Start Menu

  • There are many ways to launch Powershell on Windows 10.
  • The first method is to right click on the Windows 10 Start menu , you will find the options:
  • Windows PowerShell which launches the application with the current user but without administrator rights.
  • Windows Powershell (admin) same but the application is run with an administrator token.
  • This operation is dictated by User Account Control (UAC) which is the same for all Windows applications.
  • We then find the same principle as for the command prompt with on the left, Powershell launched without the administrator token and on the right with.
  • Therefore, the given path is not the same depending on the case.
  • Without administrator rights, we get the path of the user profile while with administrator rights, the path is C: \ Windows \ system32.

Windows 10 Start Menu

Like any application installed or present natively on Windows, it is listed in the Start menu of Windows 10.In the case of Powershell, you have to go to the Windows Powershell menu.From there, all versions are offered with Powershell in 32-bit or 64-bit and administrator or not administrator.

By Cortana

Finally, the last method is to use Cortana and do a search on the word PowerShell.This also makes it possible to obtain all the variations of the PowerShell launch shortcuts.