Cloud Computing – An Enhanced Guide For Beginners | Vulnerability Management System

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing or vulnerability management system is a service provided on the internet for different IT, application, system operating, and system management and applications deployment functions.

It is offered to the client on the internet, both publicly and privately. It is just a brief intro to cloud computing. In this article, the discussion will efficiently clarify this topic by elucidating; what cloud computing is, its history, and its different types.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing can be defined as below:

“It is a service hosted over the internet. It is simply all about accessing and storing the data and programs across the internet as compared to doing it on the computer’s hard disk.”

The data can be of any type, i.e., music, files, images, documents, applications, and many others. The main reason for using cloud computing services is that it doesn’t matter where the user is; he can access the data quickly and conveniently.

The only thing needed for easy access is the availability of the internet. The user must sign up with a cloud computing service provider to avail of cloud computing services. The user must also provide with ID and password for security reasons.

However, the data transfer speed may depend upon internet speed, the capacity of the server, and many more. Cloud, therefore, cloud computing management is the host’s duty. In addition, the hosts of computing services continuously bring new modifications to improve the service.

The cloud computing service provider owns many storage high-speed processing servers. These servers provide easy and quick access to the data.   

History of cloud computing:

Before the emergence of cloud computing, there was client or server computing, a centralized storage approach. The servers handled all the control of the data, software applications, and other services.

In this approach, if a user wanted access to data, he just had to connect to the server and gain appropriate access to do his business.

The new concept of cloud computing or distributed computing came after this. In this approach, all computers are connected and networked together with shared resources in a time of need.

The fundamental concept of cloud computing emerged in the era of 1950. In this period, the cloud computing services could only be accessed through static clients and mainframe computers deployment. Then, McCarthy announced cloud computing services as a salable service like food and electricity.

In 2002, AWS came up with multiple cloud computing services of computation, storage, and HI (Human Intelligence). Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure no more lagged behind the race and jumped into the field in 2009.

Types of Cloud Computing:

There are almost three types of cloud computing services:

  1. SaaS:

It abbreviates as Software as a Service. It is a facility provided to the user for utilizing the Software from any place in the world through the internet. The second name for this service is Software on demand. The service is made available to users through service providers, host applications, etc.

It has many benefits like it is cheap, and the client doesn’t have to pay licensing fees, installation costs, maintenance fees, and support fees. Some examples of it are;

  • Yahoo!
  • Mail
  • Hotmail
  • Gmail
  1. IaaS:

IaaS stands for infrastructure as a service. With it, the user can access IT hardware and Software by paying a basic fee. The companies involving this approach are IBM, Google, and Amazon.

The benefits of IaaS include;

  • It is easier
  • Faster
  • Cost-effective
  1. PaaS:    

PaaS is the acronym of the platform as a service. It deals with the hosting of Software by assisting in the making, publishing, and customizing it.

It has low costs, and the user has to pay only a basic fee.

Wrapping Up:

So, cloud computing or vulnerability management system indulged in people’s lives from different views. It is a hosted service available on the internet that emerged from client computing to cloud computing in a specific development period. It is a thing that must be known and availed by all folks.