cPanel-What Is It And The Benefits Of Using It

When looking for a web hosting company for your website, you will find a lot of terms that are new to you. One of which is cPanel and it is a very important factor in today’s web hosting and one that you should familiarise yourself with.

What Is cPanel?

What is a cPanel? cPanel is a Linux-based control panel that provides the user with a set of automation tools and a graphical interface designed to make web hosting easier. With cPanel, you can simply log in and easily install WordPress, Open Cart and more to your website with just one click. This is especially useful for anyone new to designing and developing their own small business website or maintaining and adding new content to their site.

What Can cPanel Do?

cPanel not only enables you to manage your website, but you can manage emails including creating new accounts, deleting accounts, creating email lists and more. The cPanel can work as either a virtual private server or a dedicated server and it supports a wide range of application-based services including PHP, MySQL, Perl, Apache, IMAP, SMTP and POP3.

Benefits Of cPanel

There are many benefits to web hosting from cPanel which can make almost anyone seem like an expert in no time. Let’s take a look at some of them now:

  • cPanel enables you to update your website and server without any technical know-how.
  • cPanel enables you to manage domains, create blogs, set passwords and security and access your email accounts.
  • cPanel is easy to use.
  • cPanel is Feature Rich.
  • cPanel offers Extensibility.
  • cPanel offers a wide range of Hosting resources.
  • cPanel requires no additional training or online tutorials to use effectively.

Find A Web Hosting Company

Now that you know a little more about cPanel, what it is and the benefits of using cPanel for your website, you will need to find a web hosting company that offers it. While cPanel technology has been around for quite some time now, not every web hosting company offers it. Be sure to ask and make sure that it comes with your web hosting plan. And if you want the best web hosting company, choose Banana Host today!

Contact Banana Host

To learn more about web hosting and to find the best web hosting packages for your needs, contact Banana Host today!

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