Create Memorable Brand Links for Your Business

In one word, the online world is competitive, and there are still things to offer and found by someone. On a daily basis, we visit so many web pages, and it is difficult to remember all of the URLs they visited on a day. Actually, a lot of people don’t even pay attention to the links of the websites, and that’s bad for their business.

But there are also links that wouldn’t even fit a web browser’s address bars or social media posts, so people thought of using shortened URLs such as and TinyURL. This was the first step towards customization of the online links, though the shortened links were generic and were so many times used by individuals who are scammers or malicious.

So, brand links got created, and they are made such that they have suffixes or terms related to your brand name that helps people to recognize your brand and get associated with the product of your company. Brand names are usually like or

Benefits of using branded short links


The main benefit of using branded short links is that you use your own distinctive namespace by which your brand is represented, and reduce shortened link’s number of characters. It is important that you save link characters when you are sharing links on social media websites, such as Twitter.

Your trustworthiness also increases when you are putting your brand in links. With trustworthiness, also, loyalty and brand awareness increases. For Millennials, brand recognition is the second most important thing that impacts brand loyalty and purchasing decision; the first is the quality of the products and their services.

You also get to almost double the number of CTR (click-through-rates) by using branded short links instead of generic URLs.

How to Create Memorable Brand Links?


  • Make your own brand your inspiration

If your company’s name is short, your process of creating a domain would be easy. Camping short domains, such as, is very easy.

  • Ask your audience

Ask your targeted audience, and they will also be happy when you ask them about this. So, make them share to your business.

  • Online tools

You can use online tools that are available. You will also get help to choose a maximum number of characters, and you won’t have the longer domain name.

  • Trigger emotional response

People react to the triggers emotionally. And this can be used by smart marketers to gain their attention.