Custom Software Development Services

Custom Software Development Services involves providing custom software development services to a client company. Custom Software Development Services involve a variety of tasks and involve several software developments processes. The aim of these services is to provide the client company with a unique product or application which can solve their problem, but which they cannot develop themselves. This might be due to licensing problems, or it might simply be that the current software applications the client company has in their range just do not meet their business requirements. In either case, Custom Software Development Services can help to provide them with a solution.

Custom software development services usually involve writing applications from scratch, but sometimes even one step is required. Custom software development services are usually provided through a web-based interface with a programming language like C/C++, Java, Pearl, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc. These languages are usually cross platform and support a wide range of hardware, operating systems, cloud computing models and architectures. Many of the software development service providers offer highly specialized custom software solutions with a large customer base.


One of the most important tasks involved in custom software development services is the creation of a database which holds the data which the developer needs to design and test the application. Most Custom Software Development Services will begin by creating a database using an in-house or third-party data persistence tool. In many cases the developer needs to integrate the database with an existing system, for example Microsoft CRM, so that the two can work together. Developing custom software in this way, is known as ‘off-site’ database design, meaning that the developer uses an existing source of data to construct the database, rather than building it from scratch using source code from the customer’s CRM.

Next, The custom software development services company will create a digital transformation of the customer’s CRM application, typically an excel spread sheet. The digital transformation will include the creation of an application logic, user interface, database driven views, business rules and data binding. Usually there is also a change to the source code of the CRM application which involves changes in scripts and routines as well as structural changes. Once the application is digitally transformed the customer’s modified CRM is deployed and ready to go live.

The final step in the process is the creation of a business workflow. Businesses are normally designed to operate in an environment where there is direct interaction between the business processes and the business logic. The workflow describes the ordered flow of information from point A to point B. For instance, a company may have a Web Presence that allows customers to easily order online, but once the order is placed the Web Presence needs to be built into the workflow so that the order tracking, sales and inventory data is updated immediately with no delays.


Customized software development services companies will carefully implement your company’s unique requirements to provide a seamless after-market experience. The goal is to provide you with a CRM solution that meets your business goals, but one that cannot be found in any other solution available today. In addition, the customized software product that the

development team provides must be delivered in a timely manner, or the business can lose out on a lot of revenue if it must build and maintain a system from scratch.