Get Instagram followers with these Brand Friendly Features and Tips

it’s a great time to starting using Instagram. The popular photo (and now video) sharing social platform is fun, simple and easy to use featuring tools and strategies that help users grow their Instagram followers. For businesses, Instagram offers several brand friendly features, making it a site well worth adding to their digital marketing strategies.

Following are a few of the top Instagram features that will help you generate genuine Instagram followers.

Using Filters

Instagram provides filters that are not only fun to use; they can actually help generate more views and engagement. Studies carried out by Yahoo Labs and Georgia Tech reviewed millions of photos along with corresponding data regarding how frequently the photos were viewed and commented on. They determined that filtered photos were 21% more prone to be viewed and approximately 45% were more likely to be commented on than photo’s that were unfiltered.

Ask People to “tag a friend”

If you’re not asking people to tag a friend you’re missing out on a fantastic opportunity to grow your followers. Give it a try – chances are you’ll be amazed by the response and gain access to hundreds of people who probably wouldn’t even know about you otherwise.

Use Quality Hashtags

There’s no place on social media where using hashtags is more important than on Instagram. Coming up with quality, targeted hashtags can put your image in front of a large, relevant audience, growing your Instagram followers. On Instagram, users don’t appear to have a problem with hashtags the way they sometimes do on other social networks. Bottom-line, creatively using quality hashtags may very well be your best bet when it comes to growing Instagram followers and fast.

Post Consistently

While most social sites recommend posting once a day, Instagram accounts that have a high number of fans tend to post 2 to 3 times a day. So basically, and this makes sense, the more often you post (quality content), the more successful your efforts on Instagram will be.

Share User Generated Content

If you haven’t already, you should embrace and share user generated content, created by others like your Instagram followers, fans and other creative people says Chris Poole of CT Digital Marketing Agency. According to Nielsen’s research, approximately 43% of consumers are more inclined to purchase a product after they read about it via UGC on social media. In addition, your fans may even be better at taking impressive photos than you. In addition, using the right user generated content will help your Instagram account stand out resulting in more followers. It also couldn’t hurt to ask them for permission to share their photos, which can help you develop a personal relationship with them.

Cross Promotion

Use this strategy to make sure that existing fans from all your social sites, etc., know you’re on Instagram. Instagram makes it easy to share your photos to Facebook, Twitter, etc., which could be a great way to get extra exposure. Cross-promote every chance you get. At the moment, the trend on Instagram is to share the love, as the saying goes, by tagging others or just by outright promoting other businesses, services or products. Everybody wins with cross promotion, increasing Instagram followers, generating more traffic and boosting sales.

There’s a lot of valuable information here to digest and try out but all your efforts will pay off through increased Instagram followers and sales. You can go for Lightninglikes best followers too.