Getting Unbanned from Games – Is It Possible

There’s no secret to any of us that should you break any game’s Terms of Service, be it in the form of cheating or even being rude to other players, you’re going to get suspended at the very least, if not permanently banned.

However, the problem isn’t when someone gets rightfully banned, as ultimately, they have broken the rules, but merely when someone gets banned due to a false report, false positive triggered within the anti-cheat system or even by pure mistake. In fact, in some games, you can even get banned for as much as logging in from a different device or through a VPN, without actually committing any offense.

On top of this, the game’s Customer Support, along with its developers, have so much faith in their detection methods, that more often than not, rely on the actual ban rather than on what you’re saying, thinking that if the system banned you, then you must be guilty. Not true, as false positive bans happen all the time, in a lot of games!

So, say you got unfairly banned, what’s left to do? Nothing? Well, not really, as we came to know that there are certain services, commonly referred to as an unban service, designed to get your account unbanned. Now, let’s see some more information about this!

What exactly are unban services?

Essentially, such websites are professional writing services, specialized in the gaming niche only. This means that basically, regardless of which game you got banned in, you can seek their help, in the hopes of getting your account unbanned.

So, say you want to appeal a LoL ban because you’ve been reported for your behavior, albeit you believe you weren’t toxic, you contact Support, but given that you have little to no experience with how exactly to explain your situation, there isn’t much you can say on the matter.

Same goes for a situation where you’d want to appeal in order to get unbanned from PUBG, not understanding how a bot or an exploit would work as opposed to your own playstyle, you can’t exactly touch the exact cords to raise enough reasonable doubt to even have your case thoroughly reviewed. And that’s what you need, because as we mentioned above, more often than not, a lot of the Support employees assume the ban must’ve been correctly placed, and will most likely tell you that they reviewed it, despite not doing so.

Having that said, the difference between what you can do and say compared to a professional unban service is quite big. Not only have they seen pretty much any type of case out there, but they know exactly what to say to help you get unbanned – or, at least, do their best.

How do unban services work?

The process is quite simple, actually, which is a good thing, since you’re already going through enough given that you’ve been banned unfairly. Basically, you get in touch with them, discuss your case, and if you decide they’re worth a shot, you can choose to place an order. Just as if you were purchasing a writing service, except you’re purchasing an unban service, which will write the defense tickets / letters for you.

Once you place the order, they’ll contact you shortly after with the very first ticket that they wrote for you, which you’ll submit to the game’s Customer Support, just as if you wrote it yourself (they’ll guide you through it).

After you submit your first ticket to the game’s Support, all you need to do is wait until they get back to you, hopefully with the good news of your account being unbanned. However, if the news aren’t that good, simply forward the Support’s answer back to the unban service, and they’ll write the next ticket based on that, and so on.

What games or bans can they help with?

Quoted from their website, they can help with any game out there, as long as the game itself has a Support system in place, be it contact form, ticket system, live chat or mail.

Same goes for the bans, however, they do draw the line at bans for reasons such as fraud, charge backs, or plain illegal material. As long as you’ve been banned for any other reason apart from the ones we just mention, you should be good to go!

Does it really work?

Yes, although to be fair, they do claim that they cannot guarantee a 100% success chance, which is understandable, as it isn’t an exact science process either. That means, there is no software involved, nor do they know anyone who happens to work for that game and so on. All they can and will do is to set you up with a solid and customized defense for your case, in order to better explain your situation when you’ve been banned in a game, especially unfairly.

As for the proof, they have a testimonials section which contains proof in the form of censored screenshots (for obvious reasons), along with forum links where happy customers have posted reviews, which you can check out.


Is it worth it?

Honestly, to avoid sounding biased, that’s for you to decide, based on how much you value your banned account in question. A lot of players out there state that their account in League or World of Warcraft is worth thousands of dollars, however, if it remains banned, it’s worth exactly 0, so there’s that.

Personally, if I were to wake up to my account being banned, I’d definitely give it a try, since that itself is a horrible event, and having to deal with the Support on top of that, is just more than I’d like to have on my plate.

And since they say they can’t guarantee a 100% success chance, even if I end up being that unlucky, at least I’ll have the peace of mind that I’ve done everything I could to get it back, rather than thinking about it all the time, what if I tried this, what if I tried that, and so on.

So, in a nut shell, I’d say it’s worth it, but once again, that’s for you to decide, based on the amount of items, skins, DLCs and whatnot your account has, as some games can just be purchased once more, or are simply free to play.