How new logistics technology could make last mile delivery services more profitable.



For many businesses, the last mile of their delivery process is a major bottleneck. It makes sense: if you want to get your product to your customers in an efficient manner, this is where it all happens. If your delivery team is overworked and undertrained, then they won’t be able to meet the expectations of their customers and lose business as a result. This can also lead to higher costs in terms of employee turnover rates, training costs and so on. To address this issue, logistics technology has been developing at a rapid pace over recent years. Here are some ways that using new technology can improve efficiency within your business:

If you are looking for ways to improve your business’ efficiency, there is no better place than to start than with the “last mile” of the delivery process. Last mile delivery is not just about making deliveries, but about making them as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible.

Last Mile Delivery is an important part of any business model because it accounts for up to 70% of total costs associated with logistics and delivery services. This means that if your company can save money in this area then you will be able to increase profitability significantly! CartonCloud easy-to-use software is the favourite warehouse and transport management system for growing logistics businesses

The problem with last mile deliveries has always been that they are usually very expensive due their high labor costs due to manual handling (elevators) or heavy equipment being used by drivers when loading/unloading goods from vehicles onto shelves at stores etc., but now technologies such as robotics have started becoming available which could potentially solve some problems associated with this type of activity – especially since robots do not require drivers nor special training on how best use them!

Where Are You Now?

In this section, we’ll ask you a few questions about your current situation. These are the things you need to improve, fix or focus on.

  • What are the biggest problems for your business? What are some of the biggest issues that prevent customers from doing business with you? Do they have anything in common? If so, how can those issues be solved using existing technology and resources (or new ones), or could they be solved by partnering with another company who has expertise in solving those kinds of problems.*

Automate as Much as Possible

Automate as Much as Possible

The more you automate, the easier it is to deliver products and services. This will make your business more efficient and decrease costs. You should also use technology to improve customer experience and employee experience. By automating processes such as order processing, inventory management, shipping orders and deliveries, in-store inventory tracking and checkout automation software can help save money on personnel costs while increasing customer satisfaction levels through faster access to products or services they need at their fingertips when they want them most—without having to wait on hold or call multiple times before speaking with someone who may not have been able to assist them properly until now due only being available during regular business hours (or even worse: weekend).

Reconfigure Your Routes

  • Redraw your routes to optimize the number of deliveries you can make in a day.
  • Use the shortest route possible, as well as other factors such as time of day and traffic patterns.
  • Implement GPS tracking technology on all trucks so that you can monitor their progress in real time.

Track Your Assets with GPS Tracking Technology

GPS tracking technology is a great way to manage your assets, but it can also reduce fuel consumption and delivery times.

GPS tracking can provide real-time location data so that you know exactly where each vehicle is at any given time. This gives you an unprecedented level of control over your fleet and helps you to manage them more efficiently. You can use this information to improve fuel efficiency by ensuring that each vehicle has enough hours on the clock before its next maintenance checkup or refueling stop—or even just recharging their batteries!

Partner With Other Companies to Share Resources

  • Share resources with other companies.
  • Share trucks, drivers and warehouses.
  • Share technology.
  • Share customers.
  • And software is a good way to do all of these things: it can be used in the field by drivers and warehouse staff to help them coordinate deliveries, for example; or it can be used remotely by managers who want to manage their company’s entire logistics operation from one location.

Make Use of Public Transportation Options

If you’re already a fan of public transportation, this is an easy way to cut back on your carbon footprint. Plus, it’s a great way to save money on fuel and vehicle maintenance expenses.

Public transportation can also help reduce traffic congestion by making sure that goods get from one place to another quickly and efficiently.

Using logistics technology is a great way to get an edge over your competition and grow your business.

Last mile delivery is a big part of the logistics industry, and it can be an effective way to grow your business. Using technology to improve last mile delivery is one way you can get an edge over your competition and grow your business. The following companies have used last mile delivery to grow:

  • FedEx has built its business around providing a reliable courier service in every city across the country.
  • Amazon uses its own fleet of trucks (and now planes) to deliver products from warehouses all over America in less than two days after an order is placed online or via phone call.*


Every company should use logistics technology to its best advantage. This is especially true when it comes to last mile delivery services, because the margins are so slim and competitors are already doing all they can to cut costs. By automating as much of your process as possible, re-configuring routes to avoid inefficient driving times, tracking assets with GPS tracking technology, partnering with other companies to share resources and making use of public transportation options – you will be able create a more efficient operation for yourself.