Knowing In-Depth About CNC Machines & Its Types

Any production requirements today are met directly by the CNC Machining techniques. This enables fully automated methods that require the least of human interaction and delivers the highest productivity, every day. But this is just the beginning of the journey towards automation. Robotics is yet another field that is rapidly embracing this change.

What are the CNC machines?

The computer numerical control developed machining systems processes the material pieces by following coded and programmed instructions without the need of any human labor or operator. This is a program-driven production line and has taken over every named industry today. Today, these machines have become the striker of scientific as well as technological revolution using programming languages as well as computing systems.

How did CNC Machining alter the world?

  • They made it pretty much faster. Any spare parts are now never hard to find. You can get it in a few hours.
  • The process has become more reliable. There are almost zero surprises while developing new products. There are also very limited situations of alarming cases.
  • The process has been made all-new affordable. Any business can now afford it owing to any of its requirements.
  • The process involves working with metals and cutting them included higher risks. But now, the risks are almost nullified because of no human involvement.

What are the types of machines?

The machines need to fulfil a lot of machining aspects and hence, there are various types of machines that are used. They are differentiated based on:


  • Milling- The precise cutting here involves the depth, angle, and direction of the machining.
  • Plasma cutting- Gas supply is used in this type where the machining is done based on sparks generated.
  • Drilling- Here is a drill that moves along a fixed part.
  • Welding- This increases the positioning accuracy while eliminating health hazards.


  • 2 axis
  • 3 axis
  • 4 axis
  • 5 axis
  • 6 axis
  • 7 axis

Accuracy grade

  • Normal grade
  • High-accuracy grade
  • Precision grade
  • Super-precision grade
  • Ultra-precision grade

But today, robotics is also playing a major role in helping the CNC machines develop. The robotics arms help the CNC machines to:

  • Program unlimited operations
  • Increase movement and flexibility
  • Improve accuracy and modify their pick-and-place operations.

Using the LOCUS Precision CNC services, one can easily get any of their industrial and commercial product development sorted quite easily because of the above features.