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Link Building & Digital Presence Management

Digital Presence refers to the creation, publishing and availability of a brand’s content in various forms such as website, clickable images, video links, web links, hashtags, Social Media pages and all such things that represent a business or brand. Planning the creation and maintaining the brand’s internet presence is called Digital Presence Management. Increased Digital Presence of a brand means increased reach for the brand. So, a business should try to create its Brand Presence digitally so that it is traceable, searchable, viewable and actionable.

Let us see in detail how Digital Presence Management helps in your Link Building process and the various better ways of creating Digital Presence for your brand. To create Digital Presence for your brand and increase web traffic, buy backlinks here.

Creating Digital Backlinks

Most of the Social Media users including brand owners post their content including Social Media profiles Social Media pages without any web links to their website or their web or brand pages. Some blog writers write and publish volumes of content without relevant backlinks to their web pages. While creating Social Media profiles also, many users do not put in their website. And, it is the same with Twitter posts, YouTube video descriptions, news releases, directory submissions and listings, forum or discussion topic conversations.  However you try without mentioning or placing your web URLs, it will not help in any way to your Link Building process. All your efforts at creating content and publishing them become futile and never add any value to your SEO and Digital Marketing. So, in order to get results out of your Link Building process, you have to mention your relevant URLs to all your content submissions, blog posts and brand mentions. Creating backlinks is actually the core function of the Link Building process. Content without links is a human body without nerves. Such a senseless body lacks connectivity between the various body parts. Likewise content marketing or internet marketing in any form and as any set of activities is rudderless and nerveless without URLs and backlinks. Create perfect backlinks and Link Building through

Types of Digital Content & Identities

The list of digital content and identities is very long and continues to grow as new forms keep coming. However, the broad classification of digital content and identities include text, image and video. As mentioned, the long list of digital content and identities include websites, wide varieties of content such as web pages, descriptive content, profile content, blogs and articles, case studies, articles blogs discussion and forum post, Social Media posts, Social Media profiles, etc., interlinks with other pages, video external links, menu links, categories and sub-categories, infographics videos links, brand mentions, hashtags, clickable anchor texts, download assets and URL linked product images. While creating any content, you should take enough care to have the right mix of these digital content elements in place and make it a brilliant piece of content that works with your target audience and brings you the desired Link Building results. 

Advantages of Digital Presence Management

The major advantages of Digital Presence Management are their ability to drive traffic to your relevant web pages and thus, helping you achieve your business goals within a reasonable amount of time. Unless otherwise you are able to draw or attract a sizable amount of audience to your web pages, you will not be able to achieve your goals of Digital Marketing. Digital Presence creation is vital to our Link Building efforts to generate web traffic and to improve your SEO scores and business results. A disciplined process of Digital Presence Management helps you to augment the distribution of digital assets and web links across various platforms so that optimal results are achieved with all your content, backlinks and digital identities perfectly linked and promoted digitally. The key here is Relevance and Quality. Only quality backlinks with high relevance bring the right traffic that eventually produces the best results.

Link Quality & EAT

For the Link Building process, the crucial things to note are Link Quality and EAT (Expertise, Authority and Trust) factors. Link Quality refers to the relevance of the content and websites where your backlinks are placed. This means, the context of the discussion in the websites should suit the content in the web pages. Besides, as the backlinking websites’ Domain Authority lend their credibility to your web page, you have to ensure that these websites are of high quality, and that they are not of those fraud, scam or phishing websites with poor content. The backlinking websites can do only two things: One, they can do good to your website, or two, they can badly harm your website based on their own good or poor SEO scores, good or bad reputation, high or poor Domain Authority, etc., You have to ensure that you are backlinking the right page on your website so that the Content Relevance is maintained. If not properly handled, this too will adversely affect your SEO scores and act detrimental to the Domain Authority of your entire website itself. 

However, as the EAT factors such as Expertise, Authority and Trust are important to your Link Building exercise, you should ensure that the backlinking websites have expertise in the field, have authority in the subject, enjoy trust in the domain, have website traffic, etc., All these things put together contribute to the health of your SEO and benefit your Link Building process.

Link Building & SEO

One of the main components of the SEO process is Link Building. The more diverse your links are, the better your SEO prospects are. So, when you are planning your Link Building process, do ensure that there is variety, quality, relevance and quantity. Existence or non-existence of these directly affects your SEO and impacts your top-end and bottom-end of your business. So, ensure all these things are appropriately checked so that your Link Building is running smooth and SEO scores keep improving. 


Understandably, your digital profiles and identities determine your SEO and Link Building process, and hence your Digital Presence Management needs to be executed with perfection with all things working in tandem and cohesion.

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