Looking After Your Walkie-Talkie Devices

Like most technological things in life, walkie-talkies are no different when it comes to life expectancy, and the only way to really establish how long it’s going to last will depend on a couple of deciding factors. Firstly, the quality of the equipment you purchased, because usually the better the quality, the more likelihood that it will last for much longer, and secondly the way you care for it.

Generally, the more you spend on a product, the better quality you will receive, however with regards to many known Brand devices, you are pretty much guaranteed a robust device regardless of the price range because they undergo extensive testing phases (for all of their products).

With many models available on the market, how do you know which one to buy? And which ones are most suited to your needs?

Buy the right device to suit your needs

Consider the environment in which your newly purchased two-way radio is about to be exposed to before making any decision. Is it likely to be used inside, outside or both? Will it be exposed to the elements such as harsh weather, or industry hazards such as dust, heat and chemicals?

The importance of accessories

Accessories can be quite useful when it comes to the life expectancy of your handheld two-way radio devices. Extras such as earpieces, speakers and mics are very handy as they keep the actual devices safe out of the hands. If communications are happening using accessories rather than the actual equipment, it manages to save it from any accidental fall due to hazardous conditions.

Antenna care

Try not to carry your device by its antenna since this puts quite a bit of strain on the accessory and could lead to poor transmission and reception. And regularly check if the antenna is in right working conditions or if it needs to be replaced.

Maintenance checks

Performing regular checks to ensure that devices are in prime condition is relatively easy for users to accomplish, and very crucial that it is done often.

  • Firstly, make sure that charging ports are always clean and free from debris and dust.
  • Secondly check the batteries on the device, because a battery that is kept in good order will last you much longer. To save battery life, be sure to turn off the device while it’s on the charging port and make sure that you do not overcharge it as this will shorten its life. And also, clean and wipe down batteries to free them from dirt, dust and debris.

Most manufacturers advise that batteries should be replaced around every 12 to 18 months. Hence, it’s probably best to change it around those times, unless the two-way radio is not used daily, in which case the battery life should last for much longer.