Magento vs. Woocommerce for E-commerce online store

While developing your e-commerce website do you get confused about the platform which is to be used or which is not?

As innumerable platforms are available in the world of digital market for extending around your online business worldwide; picking out the proper fit for your clientele is the genuine exercise.
There is always competence between WooCommerce and Magento  and then a question arises which one is better for e-commerce online store? Here, we will discuss about the similarities and dissimilarities among the two.

Magento vs. WooCommerce: Similarities

Both Magento and WooCommerce are free and open source magnificent Content management system for e-commerce websites which makes the online shopping easy for customers all over the globe. They are developed for interfacing with web applications. Basically, Magento and WordPress streamline and simplify the process of web development and, you will find them scalable enough for any imaginable website.
Well, this is what both CMS provides now a question arises that what is the difference between them. So, now it’s time to discuss about the dissimilarities among them.

Magento vs. WooCommerce: Dissimilarities

  • When we talk about Magento you require a professional developer for the development of your website while if we talk about WooCommerce it is quite easy.
  • Website hosting which in layman language is defined as renting space on a web server. So, you want to publish a website opt WordPress as hosting a site on it is less expensive as compared to hosting a site on Magento.
  • Even the installation and customization of website on WooCommerce is less tedious as compared to Magento.
  • Websites developed on WooCommerce does not require much maintenance while the websites developed on Magento crave for maintenance and attention.
  • The most prominent difference between Magento and WordPress is that Magento is an e-commerce platform used for complex and large websites while WooCommerce is used for small business online store.
  • Developing e-commerce website with Magento is expensive as compared to using WooCommerce.
  • If we talk about from the security point of view Magento is preferred over WooCommerce.


It’s really baffling job to guess which one is better? While unlike other platforms they also have some pros and cons associated with them. However, WooCOmmerce is most favored for small business websites with less products. Magento is preferred for websites which highly dedicated for Large e-commerce Portals, Marketplace website etc with large products lists. Moreover, it allows website to be fast, responsive and efficient.