Most frequent application of Brushless Motors

 From aerospace players and underwater mapping processes to medical equipment and transportations of any kind, brushless motors are used in so many different fields that you cannot even imagine. Here you are about to find them all out.

As already mentioned, brushless motors are applied and used for aerospace and defense. Just to give you an idea of the impact they have, NASA identifies them as the prime movers for the Apollo spacecraft’s life support blowers, a choice that results from brushless motors’ capacity to survive extreme environmental conditions. In addition, they have become one of the main resources for performance-driven business, since they have been widely implemented in their systems as a result of their durability. Therefore, it should not be surprising that they are constantly used for processes such as power generation or for the production of plastics and steel. However, brushless motors’ presence in the medical industry is also rising significantly. The main reason for this rise is that they are considerably quieter than their counterparts with brushes, an element that can be crucial in helping medical specialists to focus in their procedures rather than the tools. Finally, brushless motors are also making marines’ life much easier if compared to the past, when undersea drones were significantly larger, more expensive and required highly skilled operators. Nevertheless, with the launch of brushless motors it is now possible to purchase consumers models approximately for the same price of the drones, whose capability to go into underwater exploration has proven to be extremely helpful for advanced marine research and mapping, by making them considerably safer.

Besides the many uses that we have listed yet, the major sector of application for brushless motors is the one of transportations. From electric bikes to FE single-seaters, a 24V brushless motor is able to guarantee higher levels of control, safety and efficiency. Based on recent research, the presence of these motors has grown considerably in the transportation industry and it is believed to slowly push away the presence of those equipped with brushes. Therefore, many new projects in the sector involve brushless motors.

But how is the power released in these types of motors? The latter happens by using algorithms capable of detecting the position and the sensors, in order to give force to the coils. By doing so, risks such as electrical nuisance or the constant decay of the motor itself are avoided, differently from what usually happens with other motors.In light of what has been discussed it is not surprising that a lot of new scooters, hoverboards and boats are actually powered by brushless motors. However, even though brushless motors’ technology as evolved greatly in the last years, continuous improvements are made in this field, with the goal of reaching new, outstanding results.