Reasons to use a video mailer

Video Mailers or brochures are one of the most effective tools of storytelling for any brand. Almost everyone is dedicated to getting a successful product with minimal flaws, and once you have that in your hands, you need to focus on proper marketing of this product to make it successful.

Traditional brochures don’t quite appeal to the customers anymore because it’s so typical and lacks the “wow!” Factor. But with a video mailer, you are essentially telling the customer that you want their attention and you mean business. There are several reasons you need to deploy video mailers for the marketing of your product; let’s take a look at them:

Not Easily Disposable

Compared to traditional brochures, you can’t just dispose of LCD display brochures. When you hand them over to the customer, they know that this is a premium product. If you are handed any other pamphlet, you can just toss that over in the next bin. LCD display brochures are more interactive and appeal to the customer. They will take it home and put it on a shelf or table where many other people will use it. These products go above and beyond and will give you an edge over your competition.


Video mailers can be recharged and reused as and when needed. Furthermore, they can also be programmed to store other audiovisual files if you have any remaining brochures left for a previous product. This will not only help you in cost-cutting measures but also assist in the recycling process. Traditional pamphlets are not easily recyclable, whereas you can easily reuse a video mailer.

Excellent Storytelling

To convey the basic idea behind the product and the story of your brand, a video mailer goes far beyond any other marketing merchandise. Visual storytelling has long been touted to be the marketer’s ultimate tool, and with video mailers, you can easily achieve that. Compared to traditional pamphlets, you can also convey more ideas on an LCD display brochure since the storage can be as big as possible, depending on the file you choose.


Video mailers have numerous long-term advantages compared to pamphlets. They are better storytellers and help give you a premium edge over your competitors. Furthermore, their long-term qualities can easily be reused since customers can take them along and spread the word throughout their community. You can also reuse any existing LCD display brochures for newer products just by reprogramming them.

Mediafast is a leading manufacturer of video mailers and video brochures. If you are looking for a one-of-kind B2B marketing solution, they are your go-to resource.