Sales tools: new trends in sales automation

Sales automation with universal services is a great way to develop your business and stop using your working time for technical tasks. Automated algorithms can easily cope with them. They offer various approaches to simplify the actions of a marketer. The review by experts from Reply has a detailed analysis of the most popular services for sales automation. The sales tools reviewed in the review offer an improved approach to implementing routine operations in marketing. New trends mostly speak about further deepening of applications and services integration, as well as about some other needs of marketers.

Rapid lead response and implementation control

The potential customer doesn’t have to wait! This trend is increasingly reflected in services that respond instantly to a request. This is already becoming a must-have feature set:

  • automatic appointment scheduling by integrating the scheduler into the incoming call processing system or e-mail requests;
  • dialing the customer and redirecting the call for a quick answer to a call center manager or other employee responsible for a certain direction in automatic mode;
  • offer of purchase in response to a request and execution of documents for purchase in automated mode.

Another useful option, which has already become mandatory, is the tracking of payment by product request. Often there is a separation between prepaid and payable at the time of receipt, goods. This information can be unrelated to accounting and can be used to quickly analyze the work of the sales department and its efficiency.


Detailed work scheduling can be a very useful organizational solution to reduce downtime or inefficient use of labor time. The essence of such a service is very simple – detailed, operational work planning using an algorithm. The more precisely the algorithm of work is built for the realization of certain current tasks, the less time a manager or a marketer will spend on their setting, control of execution, and planning of interaction.

Micro-planning system helps to translate the routine process of deadlines, instructions to employees into an electronic form of implementation of template situations. Thus, the work of the company’s management staff will be focused on solving complex tasks, and the operational activities will be taken over by a partially automated management system.

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