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SEO and SEM: How They Work and Why Your Business Needs Them

Many business owners are aware of the power of digital marketing for their brand; however, some are still underrating the importance of SEO and SEM strategies to increase their business’ visibility online; misdirecting their resources in some other parts of the operations such as business development. In this article we would be delving in about the relevance of SEO and SEM for your business by also tackling how the two works together as it should.

In the advent of the digital age, businesses are bombarded with technological trends, from designing your first company website page to upholding a social reputation. We have come a long way from traditional business and marketing. It is almost as if everything we do in the material world, we have to duplicate in some way on the web. Without an online/digital marketing plan, your business can hit a dead end so fast you wouldn’t even know you did.

Many business owners in Singapore are found guilty of believing having a website page is enough and posting to social media here and there will increase traffic. Unfortunately, these are the businesses found at the dead end and are in desperate need of a kick start.

The difference of SEO and SEM for your business

As a business owner, you probably already know you need a good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) service in Singapore to attract new clients and customers online. Since search engines are one of the most popular ways customers find new content, products, services, and brands, you want to ensure you are doing what you can to properly market your content for search engines. However, if you really want to market successfully, you need to take your strategy beyond just SEO.

The term Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is often used interchangeably with SEO. Unfortunately, this is not entirely accurate. While SEO is an important part of SEM, marketing on search engines involves additional strategies. If you’re confusing the two terms, you may be missing out on major opportunities to grow your business and attract new customers.

Here are the main takeaways of the two

  1. SEO enables you to attract organic attention from search engines.
  2. SEM is an umbrella term for marketing on search engines, but typically refers to pay-per-click advertisements.
  3. Both SEO and SEM should work together to attract optimal attention to your website and brand.

The dynamic between SEO and SEM

For almost any company, SEO and SEM should both be practiced by your digital marketing agency in Singapore because if that is not the case, we suggest you pack your bags and come to us. For each of these improves your chances of getting noticed by search engine users, and can bring in new business and attract long-term customers. What’s more, you can use the two in combination to attract as many leads as possible.

When creating your plan, you want to account for the amount of time your SEO company in Singapore will take to provide results. It can be weeks or even months before you start to see your rankings improve, so you’ll want to consider what SEM strategies you can implement while you wait. This ensures you won’t go unnoticed while waiting for your SEO to take off.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can be used to pick up the slack. Of course, implementing it appropriately is important to ensure you’re getting strong returns on your investment. The most popular PPC advertising platform is Google AdWords, which enables you to bid on keywords you’d like to rank highly for. Each time a user clicks on your Google AdWords listing, you pay a small fee. This works well, because you don’t need to worry about wasting money on ads that are going unnoticed.

Both SEO and SEM are incredibly important for attracting customers and clients online. If you’re not considering how to use both strategies effectively and in combination, you could be missing out on some high-quality leads.

Their benefits in a nutshell

SEO is designed to make your website easily accessible to search engines while appealing to those who are utilising those search engines. The traffic that flows to your site from search engines is called organic traffic. By attracting organic traffic to your site, your company’s brand recognition is elevated. This is especially important for any new business working to gain visibility in front of a new customer base. SEO helps you gain visibility in front of those customers who have already determined a need for the product or service you offer but have not yet heard of your brand.

Even with a small business, you could be competing with another business down the block, or a global corporation. Let’s say you own a coffee shop for example. How do you compete with the international coffee chains of the world with green-haired mermaids on their cups? SEO offers that opportunity. If someone is searching online for a coffee shop nearby, having an optimised website allows your business to display within the very same search results where larger businesses are getting listed. SEO levels the playing field by giving your business online visibility to well-qualified customers, allowing you to steal market share from larger competitors. 

SEO and SEM is akin to looking through the directory in a phone book to find a specific business category, but somebody else has already gone through and highlighted the best options. Imagine any search engine as its own phone book, and every highlighted business is the effort of your SEO/SEM service in Singapore.

OOm will take care of it for you

With us, your business has the opportunity to be the first solution a consumer finds. Search engines pull the most relevant information based on keywords. These rankings are the work of our SEO strategies to increase your business’ visibility and our content marketing to develop content that would not only rank and sell but would also inform, educate, and entertain your consumers.

If people cannot find your business online, then something is wrong with your SEO/SEM service. The main benefit of SEO/SEM is the traffic increase from proper keyword implementation. Once the traffic has made its way to your page, there is a high possibility of conversion and even a sale.

OOm functions to help get your brand to the surface and we will. If you are in dire need of a reliable SEO/SEM company in Singapore? Check out our website, talk to us, and let us help you rank today.

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