Support For Technology SEO SEO mistakes to avoid in 2020

SEO mistakes to avoid in 2020

Featured image: SEO optimization showing on a laptop.

If there is one thing we can say about 2020 it’s that companies are investing more and more into online promotion. Various businesses are realizing the benefits of properly dealing with their online presence. So much so, that starting a successful business without seriously considering your web presence is almost impossible. So, with this in mind, let us once again see how to handle SEO in 2020 and which SEO mistakes to avoid.

Why is SEO important in 2020

If you are new to online content management, you might be wondering what is SEO and why it is important. Well, SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. If someone is to find your company or business and hire your service, which should be your main goal of online presence, they will do so with help from SEO. Now, there have been multiple ways in which people have gained online traffic. From working with social media influencers to PPC marketing strategies. But, if there is one tried and true way to get more quality online traffic, it’s through SEO. And as time goes by, this fact is becoming more and more prevalent. Therefore, if you want to run your website and your online presence properly in 2020, you need to manage your SEO.

Which SEO mistakes to avoid

Managing SEO is a large subject that will take multiple articles to cover. This is why, in this article, we will mainly focus on various pitfalls and SEO mistakes to avoid. That way you should have an easier time dealing with an online presence in 2020. And, with luck, see an increase in quality traffic an overall business growth.

Not updating

So, the first thing to keep in mind is that SEO trends and requirements are always changing. Therefore, the first mistake will we mention is not keeping up with these changes. Or, for short, not updating. If you want to keep your SEO relevant in 2020 you need to ensure that it is up to the latest standard. Keep in mind that Google regularly posts new updates, some of which are quite large. The latest one being Google BERT, that brought quite a few changes to its SEO prioritization. So, make sure that your SEO is up to date at least once a week.

You need to keep track of Google if you want to keep your SEO up to date.

Alt: Google Analytics opened on a mobile device.

Improper branding

Branding was always a key component of SEO. So much so that almost all marketing managers will tell you that having a proper brand is the key to a successful marketing strategy. And, as it turns out, brands are going to become even more important for SEO in 2020. So, if there is one mistake that you need to avoid when dealing with your SEO, it’s to mismanage your brand. You need to focus your online content so that your brand is more present. This means using branded anchor texts and promoting your brand on social media posts. Overall, the more time you spend designing and promoting your brand, the more traffic you are going to get in 2020.

Having no long term SEO strategy

Even though you want to see an increase in your online traffic as soon as possible, you need to have a long term SEO strategy. One of the worst SEO mistakes to avoid is to jump at the current SEO trend, hoping that it will bring you the necessary traffic. Keep in mind that SEO is constantly changing and that 2020 is probably going to bring even more changes. Therefore, you need to have a clear idea of how you are going to run your SEO if you are to incorporate these changes properly. Know that an SEO strategy for moving businesses is different from an SEO strategy for clothing lines. Therefore, if you want to really make the most out of your SEO in 2020, consider the long term goals.

You need to spend time dealing with SEO in order to manage it properly.

Alt: A person looking at SEO graphs.

Not diversifying your promotion

A big part of your marketing strategy and your SEO development should be diversification of your promotion. One of the more common SEO mistakes to avoid is to focus all of your energies into one platform. If you want to get decent traffic you need to first have a good brand, and then promote that brand on as many platforms as possible. This means writing blogs, creating posts for social media and engaging your customers. The more ways you can find to communicate with your potential customers, the easier it will be to promote your brand and better your SEO.

A lot of people focus solely on Social Media, which is one of the SEO mistakes to avoid.

Alt: Social Media highlighted among web, Google and Yahoo, showing one of the SEO mistakes to avoid.

Not optimizing search features

One of the things that customers and the people who help with online marketing hate are when a website doesn’t have a search feature. Trust us when we tell you that if you want someone to stay on your website, you need to have a search feature present. Now, while this seems pretty straightforward, a lot of people get their search features wrong. Some make it terribly hard to type in new content for searching, while others don’t bother much with their search engine. This leaves people frustrated and makes them leave your website. And trust us when we tell you that this is not something you want, especially if you want to have good SEO. So, do yourself a favor and make your website’s search engine look as close to Google as possible.

Not being mobile-friendly

If there is one trend that we can all see it’s that people are stuck to their phones most of the time. Therefore, ignoring mobile phones for your SEO optimization is a costly mistake. From your content to your marketing strategy, you need to have mobile devices in mind. Every decision that you make for SEO in 2020, should have mobile devices in mind. Only then can you be sure that it was a wise one.