Should You Be Worried About Big Tech Censorship?

These days, there is a lot of censorship going on in the United States. Perhaps, there is more than anyone even realizes. Censorship of information can be carried out under the guise of protection, but big tech censorship may be far more expansive than understood by the average citizen. Should everyone be worried about censorship?

Censorship Is on the Rise

Big tech giants like Facebook and Twitter are undoubtedly playing a role in the drive for greater censorship. Many worry this altruistic endeavour is taking America down a spiralling slope that will eventually lead to the government having much greater control over its citizens and their rights to speak freely. But, doesn’t the First Amendment protect free speech?

Yes, the First Amendment was put into place to protect free speech and prevent the government from censoring individuals. Although Americans do have free speech, they are not free from the repercussions that may occur as a result.

For instance, individuals who lie about another person could be held liable for any damages this lie caused. A person who threatens another may have the right to express a threat, but they can be arrested for communicating threats.

Is America Becoming Increasingly Politically Censored?

When most people think about censorship, they consider the political waves of censoring that have recently happened on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube. While it is being done under the semblance of protecting Americans from all extremes, many find themselves questioning the actions of control being exhibited by these massive entities.

No matter how a person leans politically, it should be worrisome that political censorship has increased so dramatically. One of the biggest areas of concern is that social media giants provide no real way of seeking due process for individuals who believe they have been unfairly censored.

What Can Be Done About Censorship?

Sure, people could leave social media platforms en masse, but where would they go to fulfil the same roles? Social media platforms are now being used by many businesses. To attempt to leave these giants in an effort to make a statement on free speech would only cause themselves harm.

The truth is, there are no free speech alternatives that are truly viable for competing with Facebook and others. Many people feel hopeless in the fact that they must simply resign to these platforms having great control over information.

It is important everyone realizes their free speech rights are being questioned. How involved is the government in prompting big tech to censor voices? Are they shadowing these platforms and putting pressure?

If America is to remain the home of the free, free speech must be protected in all forms. There is a thin line between attempting to protect against extremism and becoming extremists themselves. The dogmatic approach that seems to be at the forefront now is marching slowly towards a change in the way free speech is protected. Will American citizens realize this before it is too late? Free speech in every area of the media should be protected, even when the opinions being expressed are controversial or even unpopular.