The results of the Two-Meter Classic Sprint

We’re delighted to announce that the Two-Meter Classic Sprint series has concluded successfully. The sprints took place on both November and December, with rover stations and base stations as part of the competition. The final sprint in the series was concluded on December and it only makes sense to include the December marks as the final scores for everyone who took part in the event. The certificates for every winner were sent out on January 2022 and we would like to extend our sincere congratulations to everyone who decided to participate in this incredible competition.

The contest that we have established was brand new and unique in its own way. That’s why we’d like to thank everyone who was there for the competition and helped us make this incredible event what it turned out being today. We’re happy that so many of you were so eager to join the 2m weak-signal operation. Organizing this event was nothing but joyful and we hope to see more such competitions unfold in the future. This truly innovative event has every right to continue in one form or the other and we will do our very best to keep the trend going. Whether you are an AC9EZ enthusiast or a K3ZO participant, we strongly encourage you to take the next step and enroll in the competition the next time it will take place.

While the 2021 event is already behind us, it doesn’t mean that the 2022 event should not take place any time soon. However, due to certain schedule issues, I will be unable to organize the new event, which does not mean that it does not need to continue. On the contrary, we all will be very happy to see it unfold in the future and strongly advise to anyone interested to invest every effort into making it a success in all the right ways.

Hence, if you are an enthusiast looking to arrange such a great competition, feel free to check out this source and get more information on how you can contribute in the future. One way or the other, we hope this event will take place in the near future and will involve even more enthusiasts eager to promote their hobby as something unique, original and completely extraordinary in all the right ways. Hopefully, we’ll see you guys next time!