The Right Templates for the Powerpoint Presentations

14 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Make More Creative Slideshows ...

How to make a professional-made powerpoint? All marketing experts have once faced this question. Despite its outdated image, the powerpoint presentation has not said its last word. Indispensable for hosting a meeting, a business meeting or a conference, it is useful both internally and externally. However, the rules of the game are different today. Animated slides, adding videos, creating custom templates, minimalism… So many trends to take into account for a design and efficient powerpoint presentation. CREADS, the 1st agile solution to produce all your creative content online, provides you with the 5 steps to make a dynamic powerpoint without wasting time.

Clarify Your Message

To start, remember that a presentation is a fully-fledged communication medium, the form of which is always at the service of the content. Before you start, ask yourself why and for whom you are giving this presentation. This is also the time to define your message. Ideally, your entire brochure serves a single objective and delivers a maximum of 2 to 3 messages. For the template ppt this is important. You need the best options there for choosing the templates.

Write down all your main arguments in the form of bullet points: key figures, statistics, quote, progression, etc. One of the mistakes most often made is to launch your head down into the graphic creation of your PowerPoint before you have even prioritized and sorted your information. Like a moodboard, it is important to filter all your data to keep only the most necessary. Remove all extraneous elements and keep only the main keywords and arguments. All the details, details and anecdotes will serve you orally, so don’t hesitate to write them down on a separate document to save time.

Organize Your Ideas

After having gathered the key elements, or your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) if it is a presentation with a commercial vocation, place to the organization of your ideas. Indeed, how to make a clear powerpoint without having hierarchized your messages? Arrange them on blank slides, without worrying about the layout. This crucial step allows you to define the number of slides to foresee and to verify that your presentation follows a red thread. One watchword: no overloading of slides! Remember that each idea will then be laid out graphically, so you can’t say everything on a single slide. On the contrary, lighten them to the maximum, the river presentation is no longer trendy, quite the contrary. Also consider adding structural slides, cover page, summary, chapter slide, acknowledgments, etc.

Define Your Graphic Charter

Once your message and the layout of your slides are fixed, you can tackle design questions. First choose your favorite tool, Powerpoint and Keynote are the easiest to use. Thanks to the 2 preliminary stages, you arrive at this stage with clear ideas. Design can then play its main role: supporting and giving credibility to your message. You’ve probably heard the words template, theme and powerpoint mask, but you may not have been able to tell the difference.