Support For Technology Tech The Rise of the Mobile Phone Chatbot

The Rise of the Mobile Phone Chatbot

The field of technology has improved throughout the years and right now it is seeing a boom. Almost everyone is using technology in one way or the other. An important device of the current age is a smartphone. It helps us in living our days with a much simpler organization. It becomes our tool to contact other people, we can use it as our journal and it is effective as an information tool as well. One such thing is the chatbot applications that you must have observed at many places. You can visit to know more about it.

What are Chatbots?

Chatbots are basically bots that have been designed to converse with a human being. You can often see them on different websites. They are there to help the user to find things or be helpful in other ways. The software is programmed in a way that the conversation appears genuine and human-like. The chatbot system started with Eliza, a medical chatbot of 1966. One feature of a chatbot is that they are bound to a single domain. The first famous chatbot of this century was the AOL SmarterChild chatbot which they launched in 2001. The main thing about these chatbots is that they should possess Artificial Intelligence. This helps them in detecting the right keywords in a human’s question and lets them answer justly. We smartphone users have interacted with a chatbot like Siri or Google assistant at least once in a while.

Why do people prefer chatbots?

  • People prefer chatbots as they feel more human-like when they are enquiring about something. The chatbots are mostly used in the user assistance which requires proper conversation. Also, people are less likely to get into a fight with a chatbot than with a person.
  • A chatbot is present there to help you for 24 hours a day which isn’t possible from a call centre of any company.
  • Companies like to employ chatbots as they are easy to set up and less pricey than mobile applications. They do not eat up space in a user’s phone as most of them are based on a messaging app. A chatbot is able to talk to several people at the same time reducing the cost of hiring numerous call centre

So, we can see a constant rise in the usage of Chatbots. They are everywhere from shopping websites to mental illness platform. Technology is trying to make such software more efficient and lifelike so that humans can get more help from them. We will see many such chatbots in the near future.