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Top 4 Types Of Content Packaging Methods You Should know

Image result for Top 4 Types Of Content Packaging Methods You Should know

With DRM, a video content file is first encrypted and packaged before it is streamed. To better meet the needs of multiple DRM schemes, there are now different types of content packaging methods available. Four of the most popular ones are discussed in this post.

With more and more video content now being streamed on the internet, no content creator or OTT platform can avoid using DRM anymore. In short, DRM or Digital Rights Management adds a level of encryption to the content to make sure that only authorised users are allowed to access them. 

During the encryption process, the video content is packaged in a particular format to meet the requirements of the DRM scheme. Moreover, to further increase the reach of the content and make sure that a greater number of platform supports the content, many platforms now make use of multi-DRM schemes.

As a result, there are now many different types of content packaging methods available which can be used by content platforms for encrypting their content. Four of the most popular methods are as follows-

  1. AWS Elemental Media Services

A large number of content platforms very commonly use AWS Media Services. The cloud-based services can be used for creating building blocks or individual components of video workflows. The SPEKE (Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange) packager is supported by AWS for issuing keys needed for multi-DRM.

Generally, the URL of the DRM service provider can be kept as the URL of your DRM encryption option in AWS Elemental for securing the content. 

  1. PallyCon Packager

PallyCon, a leading DRM service provider, also offers a custom content packaging service which supports most popular types of multi-DRM. During the packaging process, the cloud server of PallyCon requests the content identity value from the website of the user to complete content encryption. 

The entire process of content packaging has five different aspects- run packager, request pack info, request content ID, respond content ID, and respond pack info. It supports JSON type and XML type packaging callback API to support new and even most of the older versions of DRM. 

  1. CLI-Based Packaging

A large number of multi-DRM services make use of CLI (Command Line Interface)-based packaging tool. With CLI, there are many different types of content packaging standards like DASH, HLS, NCG, HLS-NCG, and CMAF. These packaging standards support all the popular DRM platforms like Widevine, PlayReady, FairPlay, and more.  

With CLI-based packaging, there are two different types of content ID input methods used- direct input with the help of CLI parameter execution and page callback method. 

  1. Wowza Streaming Engine 

Wowza Streaming Engine is also getting increasingly popular among OTT platforms as it supports popular streaming options like DASH and HLS and can package live stream and MP4 videos in real-time. For using Wowza content packaging, the original content first needs to be uploaded to the associated storage. 

Once playback is requested, the package key info will be generated for packaging the content in real-time. After issuance of content ID, the content is packaged, and the DRM license is issued.

Selecting a Multi-DRM Service

When selecting a multi-DRM service provider, make sure that you choose one that supports all the above-mentioned content of packaging methods. Many of the services can be readily integrated with popular packaging methods to meet the exact needs of the video platform. 

Moreover, cloud-based multi-DRM services can apply forensic watermarking along with multi-DRM without the need for additional infrastructure or system. Such services make multi-DRM and forensic watermarking adoption easier and more affordable. 


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