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What is the Google Cloud Platform

When we talk about technology, there comes a word ‘cloud’ every time. It is not something new. We use it when we talk about anything happening over the internet. Internet is a virtual cloud by using which we share resources and information. These things are shared through a network that is internet. For us it is like we are sharing resources over a cloud but there are physical and virtual sensors that are maintained and looked after by cloud service providers. You store your data on a virtual server and then you access it whenever needed. Private cloud services are bought from a service provider company for doing different stuff over internet without using any physical server to store data.

Cloud services can mainly be divided in three categories, Infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service. Cloud computing is called computing because internet is a cloud of networks we access. Cloud here is inspired by internet. You are being provided the service you want by the cloud service provide. You just tell them your processes and work you want to do and they allocate you space, software and hardware according to that. You have to pay for only those allocated services and for the time you use them for.

Google Cloud Platform

When we talk about cloud computing there are a lot of cloud service providers that come to mind. But there are some names that can be trusted blindly. Google is one of names. Cloud computing services are offered by Google as well and they call it Google cloud platform. It is a public oriented cloud on the basis of as you go. As a public cloud helps you make your developed application stronger and help you to reach out to bigger amount of costumers. Although Google cloud platform offers services similar to other cloud services providers but its way of development and deployment is modern and obviously better. The target consumers for this platform are business of all sizes that want to evolve their business and go towards the modern way of doing things.

Why Google Cloud?

Google cloud platform, it has the word Google in it that is the first thing to make you go inclined towards GCP. It has been one of the bests in IT sector. Their services are so reliable, flexible and scalable that even software developers are using Google cloud platform to develop their applications and deploy them. According to the Gartner, Google was the best in providing infrastructure as a service in 2018. It also made a comparison of Google with other service providers and showed how Google stands in top three best providers.

GCP Services

Google cloud platform is offering a very wide variety of services and this is a main reason for its expansion across the world. Services that Google cloud offers are.

Compute Services

Compute services offered by GCP are following.

  • Google App Engine

This is platform as a service that is used to deploy applications like PHP, Java etc. This service is used to develop and host web based application in GCP data centers. It has the features of auto scalability that means it automatically increases services as the requirement increases.

  • Compute Engine

This is infrastructure as a service that is used to operate Ms Windows and Linux based virtual machines, Infrastructure word in this is same as the one used in search engine and YouTube.

  • Kubernetes Engine

It is based on container’s automatic and smooth deployment and scaling for all applications. It includes container tools like docker.

Storage Services

Storage services offered by GCP are following.

  • Google cloud storage

A storage service by Google cloud platform to store data and access it. It is a web based storage service that is widely used.

  • Cloud SQL

This is a storage service by Google cloud to create, store and manage databases over the cloud. Google cloud itself does the maintenance and management and lets you focus on application.

  • Cloud Bigtable

It is a cloud storage service for making backups. It is very fast and fully managed. You can store from 1TB to hundreds of PB data here.


Google cloud platforms provide services in networking and many more fields. For building, utilizing and understanding these services we can do the courses like GCP associate cloud engineer certification that tells you how to setup, plan and configure the environment. GCP’s networking services are following.

  • VPC

Virtual private cloud is provided by GCP that sets up a private network for you. You are given the IP, network security to provide you a secure place for deployment.

  • Cloud Load Balancing

The load of different processes is distributes among multiple clouds to distribute the load and to make sure the availability of resources.

  • Content Delivery Network

There is a network of proxy servers that is distributed graphically to provide high performance and availability.

Management Tools

Management tools provided by GCP are following.

  • Google Stackdriver

It is the way of checking the diagnostic data and performance data. It is used for monitoring, reporting errors and other things.

  • Google Cloud Console App

It is a way for users to manage and monitor cloud services using a mobile application. It does the reporting and also gives you an option to take actions.

Identity and Security

To provide security to data, GCP provides some services that are.

  • Cloud Data Loss Prevention API

It has a classification characteristic that identifies sensitive data and secures it. These data include credit card credentials, passport numbers, phone numbers etc.

  • Cloud IAM

Cloud identity and access management, it is a set of protocols and policies to ensure the security of resources. It ensures that only authentic persons get access to the secured area and unauthorized persons don’t get in.

There are a lot of reasons for one to choose Google cloud platform as their cloud partners, Professionals are referring GCP to their clients due to high security, scalability, flexibility and many more perks of this cloud service by Google. There are courses like GCP cloud architect certification that professionals do to understand GCP with depth and about services that GCP offers.

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