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Instagram- New Way of Advertising

Instagram is testing a new way for celebrities and influencers to ...

Since its inception, Instagram is growing with 800 million users, 60 million video uploads each day, and 1.6 billion daily likes. You can switch your current profile to business one foe more benefits. As a follower clicks on the contact button, it redirects to you instantly as it happens on the web page. As you switch on this profile, you would be able to publish your videos, not using Facebook advertising tools. You could access Instagram analytical tool named insights that provide data regarding follower demographics and actions.

Evolution of advertisement

Earlier word of mouth was enough to spread the reputation and attract new customers in a small community or town. But with the advent of television and radio, things changed dramatically as people have more information. The Internet completely changed the world and the world of advertisement and business. It changed the concept of marketing products and services. The Internet has turned the globe into a global village. There is a limitless scope of advertising and marketing using Social Media.  Select the right platform and right way to communicate with the targeted audience. Instagram is such a platform growing at around 30%. It is a massive and sundry online community with boundless marketing potential.

A number of users are not the only parameter of how the media is effective. Instagram the monarch of social media with a 4.21% engagement rate. Whereas Twitter and Facebook collectively reach a 0.10% engagement rate. In other words, Instagram gives 58 times more than Facebook and 120 times more than twitter engagement rate per follower. As Instagram and Facebook are linked, you can access the audience of the latter automatically.

Adding views

To increase your visibility and popularity, you not only need to post the videos but earn the likes and views. Buying free Instagram views people your popularity as it adds a number of views to your videos. The more people watch your video, the more prominence your presence becomes. It gives a comprehensive improvement of your account as real and authentic people give their likes and views.

As Instagram is mostly a visual platform, it encourages creativity, innovation, and expression. This platform has caught the attention of businessmen for advertising purposes as it has a vast user database. It gives you the opportunity to contract with a new audience, which is more dynamic, younger, and energetic. As the audience is younger, they are more adaptive to digital marketing. But at the same time, it is not suitable for every kind of business.