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Electronic stores and their importance for business owners and entrepreneurs

Whether you are a wholesaler, a traditional retailer, or have any newly established business online

Or you have some ideas for providing services. There are many ways to use e-commerce, reach many customers from different nationalities, increase sales operations, and thus increase the profits of your business.

First, what is electronic commerce ??

With the growth of the Internet world in the past two decades and people entering an unprecedented way to this world, the concept of e-commerce has emerged, in short, it is to buy and sell products and services using electronic media on the Internet.

Not long ago, people started buying products from websites and mobile apps

There are many investments by huge commercial activities to find different ways to benefit from e-commerce to achieve sales goals via the Internet, and those goals differ according to the different type of commercial activity.

It is possible to start with simple goals such as giving customers to send payments via the Internet, or want more in creating a website through which customers can search and view the list of products offered, and create personal accounts and frequent request operations.

Types of e-commerce?

Most people think that e-commerce boils down to B2C.

While there are many businesses that fall under the e-commerce category such as online auctions, online banking services and ticket reservations made through e-sites.

If there are multiple forms of e-commerce, we will explain some of them that are appropriate to your business ideas

 Business-to-Business (B2B

This concept expresses business models between companies and each other in e-commerce in this case is carried out by making a deal for two companies and selling the products and services of another company and is often used in the sale of raw materials, for example for the auto parts store

An example of a successful B2B activity is Hubspot, which provides services and systems such as CRM.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C

This model is for business owners and companies to make a sale to the end consumer and B2C is the most popular e-commerce process like Nike and apple stores.

 Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C.)

This e-commerce model expresses the consumer’s selling to the other consumer. This concept has evolved over the past decade. Ebay is still a pioneer in this field. This concept is also widespread in markets such as Olex and Marketplace which are sites specialized in selling second-hand goods.

 Customer-to-Business (C2B

It is the traditional and less widespread model in e-commerce. This model is embodied when the consumer offers services to companies, for example, translation sites.

What are the advantages of e-commerce ??

You can reap all the benefits offered by e-commerce, as setting up an e-commerce company has become easier than ever. Below are the most important advantages of e-commerce to entrepreneurs.

Global reach

If you have a physical store, you are limited at the geographical or local level, and if you want to expand in some other or neighboring areas, you should create physical stores in these areas.

E-commerce does not have this restriction. You can expand and sell to anyone in any region of the world through e-commerce and target areas with e-marketing.

Low investment cost.

E-commerce is characterized by very low operating costs compared to the actual operating costs of stores, where there is no rent, no salary for employees and few fixed costs. This makes e-commerce competitive and in global growth.

Time is always open.

The advantage of electronic commerce on the Internet is that it always works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unlike the actual stores that operate for a limited time of the day.

Targeted marketing.

All online merchants can collect massive data for consumers to ensure that they are targeted with suitable products. This is one of the most important advantages in digital commerce through which you can gain more customers for your products. So you can target a male age group from 18 to 35 in a specific geographical area to sell special products. To them this is called laser beam projection.


The business owner is not affiliated with any one site when operating his business. As long as you have a computer, a phone, and an internet connection, you can start an e-commerce activity.

These are the most important reasons that make e-commerce an attractive option for entrepreneurs.

Create an online store

 At Vadecom, we provide the necessary help and support services for small and medium businesses to be present on e-commerce platforms, and to target potential customers through the creation and development of e-commerce sites and applications with a design that helps you reach your goals.


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