Perfect Secured payment Options for Your Use

The security of the card payment processes in any business is one of the key factors for the success of the transactions carried out with its customers. For example, for a store that sells products over the Internet, it is very important to offer its customers a secure payment gateway that allows them to complete their purchases normally, maintaining the confidentiality of the data. The same happens when paying with a card at any establishment, as the ID and PIN of the card or signature are required at the time of payment.

This need for security in the purchase process forces the store to add additional steps to achieve the objective (secure payment), which means lengthening the purchase processes for customers. For this reason, businesses and payment system providers are constantly designing better procedures to prevent fraud. Next, we are going to see what some of these systems are like and the impact they have on the customers of a business. You can make use of the Mensajera anónima now.

Why are anti-fraud systems needed in a business?

The payment gateways that are installed in online stores and the POS that are available for card payment in stores, allow those responsible for the business to configure the security barriers required to validate transactions. This means that, depending on the system used, they can decide which payment methods are accepted, what level of security is required for each of them (key generation system, token, password, etc.), block cards from certain countries, among other controls.

  • All this configuration of security parameters allows to delimit credit card payments, being able to limit it only to cards issued in Spain and blocking those of entities in third countries, configuring the security information that the buyer must provide (PIN, handwritten signature, value of coordinate card, password) and even mark some special security procedure to ensure that it is a person and not a machine, as is the case of CAPTCHAS, which are those systems that are mounted on web pages that ask to type some characters camouflaged in an image to be able to advance in the process.
  • In addition to the previous systems integrated in the commerce and in the online gateway, there is another type of much more sophisticated controls that are carried out by the software that anti-fraud entities and organizations use to detect possible security breaches in payments to act with the best possible diligence. There are entities that have software that monitors the operations carried out in real timewith their cards and, when they detect suspicious movements, they launch countermeasures.

The conclusion is that the objective of the trade and the entity is always the same, to offer a good service to the clients, guaranteeing the security of the transactions. Both are interested in the transactions being carried out, since the business makes money selling the product and the entity charges a small commission for the sale made. The customer wins because with these measures he can buy in peace.

The impact of anti-fraud systems on the customers of an online store

Buying at a store requires customers to pass the security systems test associated with the payment system. This is not always pleasant for the customer, but even less so would a situation in which there is no security in the payments and the media and the personal data of the customers are exposed.