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Talkspace Brings Attention To Mental Health Effects Of Coronavirus On Essential Workers

Ever since the Novel Coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, each country had to put up measures to control its spread to save its citizens’ lives. Some of the steps outlined by the World Health Organization include; always wearing protective clothing while in a public place; these include face masks and face shields. Stay at home and avoid movement as much as possible. Maintain a social distance of about 6 feet at all times. Sanitize your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer as much as possible, no physical contact with other people or materials.

Since then, most of our lives have been spent in our homes for the past few months, too afraid to go out, and we only leave the house when we need to. However, some people cannot stay at home; they have no choice but to go out each day and numerous battle uncertainties and dangers because they have to do their jobs. These people are essential workers in our communities.

When most of us hear the term “Essential Worker,” the first thing that comes to mind is healthcare professionals like doctors, nurses and EMTs, police officers, and law keepers. But the list of essential workers is much more significant. Essential workers also include people we don’t usually think about, the bus drivers, restaurant workers, delivery service workers, and people generally people who work so that you can safely stay at home.

Talkspace outlines the physiological effects the coronavirus has on essential workers. Most essential workers are going through a lot in their daily lives. Most experience anxiety every single day before they leave their home because they know the risks and have no idea if that will be the day they might get infected with the virus. Most workers have started to show manifest symptoms of mental health illness by showing signs of depression, lack of appetite, and constant worry and fear.

Some essential workers report to their work stations only to find the company does not have sufficient personal protective equipment; This has a significant impact on their health, both physical and mental. They are at risk of contracting the virus, which may be why they stop working to provide their families and even succumbing to the symptoms if they do not get medical assistance in time. The constant worry will also harm their mental health.

For most of us, social isolation is not so bad. We get to spend time at home, and if we get bored, we can take a short walk with our masks on around the neighborhood. But for an essential worker who has to bills to pay, being forced to stay at home is a nightmare. They know that if they do not go out and hustle, they will be in trouble. And in cases where a person is quarantined in total isolation in suspicion of having the virus, the mental health implications are quite severe. A therapist writing for Talkspace outlines some of the long-term effects of complete isolation, including Post Traumatic Severe Disorder, increased anxiety, drug abuse, and depression.

Most essential workers feel disappointed by their working conditions. A lot of people have complained that their employers do not have their best interests at heart. Some employers don’t provide adequate PPEs and will not support them when they become sick. That is why some have opted to quit their jobs because they felt the risk they were taking was not proportionate to their rewards.

Essential workers are going through a lot to keep us safe. We should all try to help out as much as possible to keep their mental and physical health secure. We can support organizations like Talkspace, which has started free mental health services to first responders and creating free support groups for anyone who wishes to talk to someone.

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