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The Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual Conferences

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven everyone inside their homes. Majority businesses are  conducting their daily activities remotely. Consequently, employees and employers do not have any other option but to conduct daily meetings in a virtual manner.

Even though after businesses are starting to resume their previous working dynamics, many offices and/or departments are still working from home as it is better to be safe than sorry. SSince no one knows when this working from home will truly be over, we took it upon ourselves to discuss some of the do’s and don’ts of virtual conferences. Let us have a look at what some of them are.

Do Have a Reliable Internet Connection

To be able to conduct an effective virtual conference, the most basic resource that you need is a reliable internet connection. When you are in a meeting with your peers, you need to be able to communicate with them in an effective manner. Distorted video quality, disturbance in audio, and other similar issues can cause a great deal of frustration. That is why it is of utmost importance that you have an internet connection that you can completely rely on no matter what.

Don’t Login at the Last Minute

You may be led to believe that since you are in your own home, managing to join the virtual meeting at the last minute will not be that big of an issue. However, the reality is quite the opposite. If you join at the last minute you won’t be able to manage any sudden problems that you might face. Make it a habit to be ready for the virtual conference at least 5 minutes before it actually starts. After you have sorted out any technical glitches, take a breather and join the call in a refreshed state of mind.

Do Mute Your Microphone When Not Speaking

One of the most common difficulties faced during a virtual meeting is the overlap of communication. People often start speaking thinking that the other person has finished talking. Even if you are not speaking, background noise is easily transmitted through your microphone, which createsa disturbance in a meeting. That is why it is a respectful practice to put your microphone on mute when you are not speaking.

Don’t Split Your Focus

Since you are at home and there is no one to keep an eye on you, you might find it convenient to multitask as you are engaged in the virtual meeting. You might get away with it, but you might also miss out on any key pointers that are being discussed in the meeting. The point of a virtual meeting is to communicate with your peers, not to give you time to catch up on your emails and other correspondences.

Do Sit at a Designated Spot

This particular pointer is not just for virtual meeting only, rather it also applies to your daily working routine.  Assigning a designated spot for your work duties makes for an effective and professional method for getting the job done. You may be tempted to work while lying in bed, but if your mind and body are in a relaxed state while you work, your productivity levels are going to fall through the roof.

Don’t Place the Camera at the Wrong Angle

If you are working from a laptop then this won’t be that big of an issue, but if you use a desktop computer or any mobile device to conduct your virtual meetings then the camera placement and its angle should not be taken lightly. If the camera is not placed at the right angle it can get quite distracting for the person communicating with you. Make sure to place the camera at the angle that enables the other person to focus on you without any disturbance.

Do Participate in the Conversation

Not every meeting will require you to make a query or provide feedback on your work, but your presence will still be important in that call. Even if you think that you are not needed in that call, try to engage in the topic being discussed. Maybe give your feedback on the matter at hand or simply engage in small talk with your colleagues to lighten the mood.

Don’t Interrupt When Someone Else is Speaking

As discussed previously as well, getting interrupted while speaking is quite annoying. However, the fact is that it happens rather more frequently when you are in a virtual conference call. Maybe this is because you are unable to physically judge when the person has finished talking and you start talking, which is understandable. Still, make an effort to understand that in such a call lag and delay also play their part. So, instead of speaking right away, give it a few seconds to see whether the other person has really stopped talking or not.

Do Jot Down Important Points to Discuss

Virtual conferences are a means of catching up with the latest work developments with your work colleagues. However, when the call is initiated, many important matters slip your mind and are left out completely. One way to overcome this problem is to jot down all the necessary things to discuss before the call is initiated. As you go about your workday, whenever you think that something needs to be discussed, write it down then and there and discuss them on the call.

Don’t Forget to Take Notes

When you are in a conference call at home, it is quite easy to assume that you will be able to remember all of the things discussed in the meeting. In reality, when the meeting is over, all of the important points discussed in the meeting may easily slip out of your mind. This can easily be taken care of if you take down notes during the meeting. Make it a habit of keeping a pad and a pen while you take part in the meeting. Whenever someone talks about something that you feel is important, note it down so that you do not forget it before the next conference call.

Do Dress Accordingly

Now that you are working from home, you do not have to dress up all fancy since you do not have to go out the door. On the other hand, it is also not recommended that you attend your conference calls in your pajamas. This may not be an issue when it is aaudio call, but in video call, you still have to take care of it. Dressing up for the role prepares you psychologically that it is something of a different nature. So, dress the part you are working, that’s all.

Don’t Prolong the Conference Unnecessarily

Finally, nobody likes prolonged conversations without any purpose. If the agenda of the meeting is concluded, it is a good idea to terminate the call as soon as possible. Maybe catch up with your colleagues for a while but indefinitely prolonged small talks will only waste your and everyone else’s time, which can get quite irritating fast.

All in All

These do’s and don’ts seem to be quite apparent when you think about it. However, when the time comes to actually implement them the case is quite the opposite. Take some time to form a habit of complying with all these mannerisms. They will only make things easy for you, trust us.

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