Social Bookmarking – What It Is And How Does It Help Web Creators?

Social bookmarking might have lost its importance in SEO expert’s perception because of several new methods to gather higher search engine ranking. But search engines still have the same reputation of free social bookmarking sites as a backlink. Social bookmarking can be understood from the scenario where you forward a webpage link to your friend or colleague. 

Whenever a web page is forwarded, this data is recorded on the internet, and the search engine notes that the content on the link is knowledgeable and shareable. This way, the ranking of your webpage or website increases and levels up on the search result page, or an alternative way to this can be ping submission sites list.

Social Bookmarking Sites Can Bring Brand Awareness When Organic SEO Fails

Sometimes the trick and campaign for organic traffic on your website might fail, and in such conditions, social bookmarking websites could help you out. These are good alternatives for free brand awareness or content promotion. The more people will use social bookmarking on your website, the more your brand or website would get visible on search engines.

Targeted Traffic And Web Crawlers Bring Faster Indexing 

Web crawlers are responsible for considerable traffic on your webpage, and so are the engine spiders. Both these AIs visit the social bookmarking websites regularly, and if you are present on these platforms, then it is more likely to happen that your indexing might enhance rapidly.

Moreover, just like other SEO tools, social bookmarking also allows you to concentrate on the target audience. And target audience brings organic traffic, free promotion and possible sales without additional expenditure.

Social Bookmarking Leads To Extensive Subscription And Lead Generation

This method makes you more susceptible to getting more subscriptions than other methods like a welcome page or email marketing. Social platforms like Pinterest or Twitter have an extensive database of users, and your potential prospects could be wandering there. Having a presence and high visibility on these platforms could generate more leads that can give you a genuine customer to your service or product. You need to focus on other off page SEO techniques such as blog commenting sites for link building.

Ping Submission Sites Also Enhance The Search Engine Indexing Faster

If all other SEO methods are failing for you and your blogs are still not rising in the indexing of search engines, then one out of the way solution can be ping submission. Through ping submission, we can promote our latest posts and blogs on the internet to search bots. By doing this, our blogs and articles will be shown in the search results faster.

In simple words, ping submission asks the search engine like google, yahoo etc., to visit our URL and go through the content that is available on the link to rate it and index it in the search engine results. When receiving this invitation, Google bots read the articles and learn about them, which has more chances of faster indexing. You will find various free Dofollow profile creation sites on the internet that you can use to get your blog or post reviewed by search engine bots.