All That You Need to Know About Speed Bumps

Day by day, the number of road accidents is increasing at a rapid pace. This reason alone is sufficient to justify the importance of road safety. There are several road safety solutions that can be used as a protective shield to avoid such accidents. A speed bump is one of the best ways to make drivers slow down their speeding vehicles and thus avoid accidents.

A Basic Precautionary Measure on Busy Roads

Speed bumps are the basic precautionary measure that is taken by the traffic department to slow down vehicles at certain places to avoid any unfortunate accident or injury. Many people are used to driving their bikes or cars at very high speed. Until a speed bump is encountered in their way, they don’t tend to slow down.

Installing speed bumps is a must in busy areas. Not only that, every lane should have at least one speed bump. Depending on the requirements, the number of speed bumps on a street can be increased. Besides being a great solution for slowing down speeding vehicles, it can also be used by pedestrians to cross the road.

Different Kinds of Speed Bumps

There are several kinds of speed bumps available. A few of them can even be relocated from one place to another. It’s also possible to find speed bumps made of recycled rubber, which cause no harm to the environment. Speed bumps from Traffic Logix have earned a good reputation and are very much in demand by the traffic departments across the world.

Where Are Speed Bumps Installed?

Speed bumps are generally installed near hospitals, schools, shopping malls, business campuses, and residential areas. On a few busy streets, it’s common to find speed bumps every few meters, which is a great safety measure to avoid accidents.

Are Speed Bumps Effective?

Yes, speed bumps are very effective. When a driver comes across a speed bump, he would understand that speeding up vehicles is not allowed in that particular stretch and he would definitely slow down the vehicle. This would avoid any unfortunate accident. Hence, speed bumps are the perfect solution to slow down traffic on busy roads.  The only point that traffic management officials should keep in mind while installing speed bumps is that they should be installed in such a way that they are visible to the motorists.

These are a few important points that you need to know about speed bumps.